FEA studio-Fundamental Experience of Architecture
FEA studio-Fundamental Experience of Architecture
The office of “Fundamental Architectural Experience” [FEASTUDIO] was founded by Arash Nasiri and Ensieh Khamse in 2006.
The office has tried so far to achieve a consistent, coherent language in their work based on their progressive experiences and the relations between the ideas and the work, a distinctive language by which to avoid architectural production being merely in the line of exigency and to push boundaries in order to let creativity and active, multilateral strategies in.
The office has won The 1st prize of the GRAND MEMAR AWARD 2011 in public buildings category for the Noor e Mobin’s sports hall in BASTAM.
The office also won the IOC/IAKS 2013 bronze medal (international Olympic committee & international association for sport facilities) award for designing of the Noor e Mobin’s sports hall in BASTAM in Koln Germany.