Jimmi Pianezzola Architetto
Jimmi Pianezzola (1982) earned a MA degree at the Università Iuav di Venezia. At the same University he has worked as assistant teacher with Prof. Carabajal. In 2011 he founded his own private architecture firm. He has designed several buildings and urbanistic plans, with a particular interest for the role of the house in the contemporary setting of the Venetian countryside. His technical skillset and the continuous cooperation with specialists allow him to experiment, with particular regard to green, sustainable, wooden, straw-bale architecture.
The works of the firm have been published in several magazines and outlets, both national and international. Philosophy He firmly believes in a holistic and interdisciplinary approach to design. He has always had a keen interest for ecology and sustainability. His professional activity is based on seeking innovation and on bringing it to terms with time and place.
The focus of the creative process is the project widely intended over particularities and its correlation with architectural archetypes. He designs and builds highly sustainable buildings and homes, suited for the climate and the place where they are built, and made to last. His work is deeply rooted in the study of contexts, values, and clients’ requests, and every project aims to be a synthesis of such.