Rossetti + Wyss Architekten
Rossetti + Wyss Architekten
Rossetti + Wyss Architekten

Rossetti + Wyss Architekten

Rossetti+Wyss has made a name for itself with the completion of a wide variety of building projects: the renovation of the Dada birthplace Cabaret Voltaire in Zurich, the exhibition pavilion "Territoire imaginaire" at the Swiss national exhibition Expo.02 in Biel, the house on Zimmerberg in white exposed concrete, the factory building for the AWEL (Andelfingen), and concepts for sustainable urban development in Costa Rica. The architects are currently working on projects of various sizes, where they provide the overall services (development, design, planning, execution). These include apartment buildings in Zurich and Lucerne, residential and commercial propertiess and integrated project developments.

Rossetti+Wyss believe that simplicity is not banal, and that reduction is the path to clarity and precision. A constant process of weighing and choosing between different elements produces spatial and structural solutions. The result is a formal, simple language, full of experiences and spatial successions. Restraint is the watchword. The process is fed by a context, an economy of means, and a natural balance. Human beings, as spectators, are the focus and the measure. They are both trigger and scale in the built environment.

The question is not always how, but why. Integration and humility lead to clear and recognizable results. It is at this point that identification begins, and the desired identity emerges.

The architects understand their projects as fingerprints – they are unique, relative, and specific; unequivocal proof and marks of identity.

Our Projects
Rossetti + Wyss Architekten Offices
Rossetti + Wyss Architekten Zollikon
Dachslerenstrasse 10, Zollikon, Switzerland