Pavol Mikolajcak
Pavol Mikolajcak

Pavol Mikolajcak

Born 1981 in Levoca, Slovakia. Studied architecture at Vienna University of Technology with graduation thesis “Museum der Zeitgeschichte in Bratislava” in 2007. In the years 2003 – 2009 working at the studio Architekt Christoph Mayr Fingerle in Bolzano with the focus on architectural planning and competitions. 2009 – 2012 colaboration with Architekt Walter Pichler, Bolzano. Since 2012 member of Kammer der Architekten der Autonomen Provinz Bozen, working as Freelance Architect with seat in Bolzano, Italy Felderhof Extention, Berghütte Oberholz (with Arch. Peter Pichler), Stadthaus Bozen (with Arch. Andreas Lengfeld), Mehrzweckgebäude in Barbian (with Arch. Andreas Lengfeld, Arch. Rudi Perathoner ) Icehockey Stadium Bruneck, Competition 2014 Honorable Mention (with Arch. Peter Pichler, Arch. Vitomarco Marinaccio )
Unsere Projekte
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Pavol Mikolajcak