About TRA TRA, in Latin and Italian: in the midst of things, but also ahead of, at once the edge and the link in narrative technique, the recommended practice of beginning an epic or other fictional form by plunging into a crucial situation that is part of a related chain of events The uncovering of the issues contains the seed of the solution, redefining the original starting point from which the creative interaction unfolds. We welcome responding to the questions and constraints posed by the very nature of architecture and then we “mine” for that opening “in between” the noisy information of the design puzzle, (literally and metaphorically), where boundaries can be pushed, for that focused gesture that, with maximum economy of conceptual and physical means, motivates the community of people that are part of that effort, becomes the diagrammatic concept and the iconic expression of the project’s nature, unlocking its potential. TRA about ART ART STUDIO TRA’s interest in a focused process and design clarity finds its parallel in the ART STUDIO, led by Robert Traboscia. His deep routed interest in dynamic color and gestural art, explored in his “minimal pours”, combined with his practice in environmental design, has resulted in an increasing engagement in the expression of architectural concepts and large scale visual compositions, fusing artistic and architectural experimentation and finding straightforward and simple solutions through artistic explorations. The ART studio works in the architectural edges, finding the links and intersections between different dimensions, ART and architecture, temporary and permanent, old and new, macro and micro, ground and the interior space. It is a place marked by transversal links and cross-disciplinary collaboration, where the synthetic architectural thinking investigates all the less tangible aspects of image and business identity. We do not try to make artistic architecture, but to respect the artist’s idea while developing pragmatic solutions. which explores the transversal links between places, history, creative heritage and universal wisdom. a complex exhibition trail where dialogue and interaction between the artworks, the viewer and the space itself is of fundamental importance. TRA was chosen for its many meanings. Firstly, it can be read inversely to spell ‘art’. In Italian it is a preposition that signifies ‘in-between’ and ‘inside’, and also connotes an action that goes ‘beyond’ or ‘ahead of”. TRA is also a common suffix in many Sanskrit words such as ‘mantra’, ‘tantra’, ‘yantra’. Mantra is the literal translation of ‘instrument of thought’, man – to think and tra – an instrument or tool. ‘Tantra’ is the ancient system of knowledge that connects sexual and cosmic energy. ‘Yantras’ are the signs and drawings that act like doors for energetic healing. TRA relates to the idea of being purified through a ritual and creative transformation. It is also the space between two dimensions and marks the moment of passage and a breach towards new experiences. In this sense, TRA connects to the Japanese notion of “ma” that indicates the empty, yet positive space between two objects. The subtitle of the exhibition, EDGE OF BECOMING, relates to the void leading to the possible powers of energy. TRA. EDGE OF BECOMING seeks the healing balance and creative interaction that unfolds every beginning. “Sonorous architectures are destined to exist in spaces which vibrate with them. They are an auditory reflection of all that is
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TRA Studio Offices
TRA Studio New York
1 Maiden Lane, New York, NY, United States
TRA studio
267 Towd Point Road, Southampton, NY, USA