For Bico, Switzerland’s number one sleeping system, dai not only developed the Bico Flex frame and Privilège mattress, but also the points of sales, trade show booths, catalogues, as well as other print collateral.
In the Bico Flex, dai has designed a revolutionary suspension system that balances out every movement of the sleeper in both vertical an horizontal directions. Made of glass fibers and synthetic material, the combination of materials--commonly employed in aeronautics and space flight--results in a structure that is simultaneously durable yet flexible--a true state-of-the-art design to maximize the quality of your sleep.
The Privilège mattress system features a similarly revolutionary design that allows different layers to be swapped out and interchanged according to need. The modular system consists of layers with differing functions and features that—for example—provide ventilation, cater to hypoallergenic needs, or simply satisfy whims for different materials such as cashmere or silk. Not only does the system provide for a completely customizable experience, it allows Bico to maintain contact with its clients, and creates the opportunity for further add-on sales.