It is a well-known fact that ELKO EP is not afraid to invest in new trends and technologies. One other direction that we are going, is the application called Smart watch or Smartwatch. The application that combines the Smart Watch and Smart Home is called iNELS HOME CONTROL. Normally a customer’s smartphone is able to connect via Bluetooth with their smart watches. The owner can control the lighting in the house, switch appliances, blinds or regulate the heating while fully engaged in other important activities. The application is designed for watches supporting the Android operating system.
iNELS Home Control
Product Spotlight Smart home
Products Behind Projects
Die neue Samuel-Paty-Schule in Béziers spielt mit der Materialität
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Domino Square in Brooklyn spielt eine Schlüsselrolle bei der Umgestaltung der ehemaligen historischen Zuckerraffinerie
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Das Wohnhaus in Toronto ist eine zeitgenössische Neuinterpretation des traditionellen edwardianischen Giebelhauses
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Neue psychiatrische Klinik in Tampere, Finnland, ist ein Beispiel für "heilende Architektur"
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