YES 60 FI Flush Glazed Storefront System with Insulating Glass
YKK AP America Inc.
United States
Systeme für die Fassade
Durchgehende Fassadensysteme
Metall, Aluminium

YKK AP's YES 60 FI is an offset, flush glazed storefront framing system developed for 1/4" up to 1" insulating glass and other types of infill panels of varying thicknesses.

This 6 inch non-thermal storefront system can provide the thermal performance necessary for climate zones 1 and 2 with a 1 inch low E IGU.  The YES 60 FI is 10% stronger structurally than the TU and XT systems, allowing for the maximum spans both vertically and horizontally.  The FI system can glaze a 1/4 inch monolithic glass with a pocket reducer.  This system is one of the most flexible storefront design choices on the market today.

The YES 60 FI is outside glazed, and it can be assembled through Screw Spline assembly.  It integrates with YKK AP's YES 45 Series Storefront and Model 20D, 35D and 50D Single and Paired Doors.  It is also compatible with YKK AP's ThermaShade® and Luminance® Light Shelf Sun Control Systems.

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