The Young Group model is gradually becoming popular in urban areas in Vietnam. Mostly constructed on small plots or converted from typical tube houses, this model often faces challenges in terms of the quality of living space and the allocation of play areas for children.
Located at the intersection of a quiet small residential area in District 12, the investor aims to establish a young group comprising 4 classes, combined with the owner's apartment on the upper floor. The project's challenge is to balance the space and usage needs for a school while ensuring outdoor play areas that stimulate activities and interaction among the children.
Inspired by the famous Studio Ghibli animated film "Laputa - Castle in the Sky," we want to create a "floating school," reserving the ground space for soft activities such as playgrounds, offices, healthcare, etc. Taking advantage of the dual frontage of the land, the building blocks are designed to maximize natural light for interior living spaces. From a sufficient distance, the overall structure appears as a giant, colorful toy in the midst of the residential cluster.
The graphics of the project draw inspiration from the works of Dutch artist M.C. Escher, aiming to achieve the necessary vibrancy for a space designed for children. Unlike the cautious approach of adults, the imagination of the children surpasses our thoughts and expectations. Abstract and dreamlike images create a place where children can immerse themselves in their own imaginative world.