plastic wall art for parking garage with 360 parking spaces client: Almelo Township winning design in response to competition with tender surface: 1.210m² (facade surface) | building costs: € 320.000,- (incl. btw) | architect: de bever architecten, Eindhoven | used materials: recycled, perforated and folded aluminum plating Almelo Township has placed a parking garage with an detachable modular steel structure in the center, between the canal and the railway station. This location is the starting point of the art route to the center along the "long line" (the channel) and forms an important part of the sustainable refurbishment of the public space of the city. The proposal to transform the garage into an art object strengthens the orientation and readability of the city. The car park will have a new universal artwork / plastic. There is no distinction made between the facades of the city and the railway side. The artwork consists of prefabricated recycled aluminum modules that enable easy together. The base of a module is a rectangle, which can be easily built from triangles. The triangular distribution gives rise to the opening up of the elements to the right open-closed ratio is obtained, in which light-and air entry are guaranteed. The three-dimensional triangles indicate the work depth. By lighting the plasticity of the object changes. Depending on the viewing distance created different effects, mirroring the metal, distortion of colors (moiré), more or less transparent by the different degrees of perforation. These effects unfold at different distances from the object and the different speeds of passing the object, as pedestrians, cyclists, motorists and rail passengers.
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