Marie-Noëlle Dailly


LRARCHITECTES als Architekten

On the highest point of a parcel with topography marked by an organization in terraces, housing RG runs parallel to the retaining walls structuring the different levels. The house consists of two elements: a raw base existing stone limestone, and concrete on which is placed a valuable horizontal volume made of wood and zinc.

The project, largely closed on its north façade and gable walls opens South toward the garden and the valley. It is organized around 2 hollows within the original volume in a geometry directly inherited from the lines of force of the site. The entrance space, located logically at the place where the gap with highways is maximum, is clearly identified and plays a function of carport.

The patio space, creating a distance between the existing and new buildings, is truly the heart of the house and offers a true outdoor room to the housing.

At the level of the street, the night area is divided into 2 entities, the children in the West and the parents East. The bathroom and the office are acting as spaces of transition and benefit from situations particularly preferred to the central patio. At the level of the garden, a versatile workspace takes place in direct relation with this same patio and is a bridge between the kitchen and the living room.


Insulation in wall and roofISOPROC
Roof sealingResitrix
Insulation in wall and roof
Roof sealing
nach Resitrix
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