Hapeville Library
Firewater Photography - McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture

Exceeding Enviromental Targets at Hapeville Library

Fluxwerx als Interior Lighting

The new Hapeville Library (Hapeville, GA) embraces the town’s association with speed and industrial innovation. Taking cues from the jet era, the building’s form references engine air intakes, gridded flight chart data, and concrete pouring patterns used for runways.

photo_credit Firewater Photography - McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture
Firewater Photography - McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture

To ensure function matched form, the McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture design team needed energy efficient lighting that would create a comfortable environment for visitors and elevate the building’s architectural motif. 

photo_credit Firewater Photography - McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture
Firewater Photography - McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture

Aperture linear suspended luminaires helped the designers achieve these goals. Perforation has long been used for weight reduction in the aviation industry, and Aperture, with its hollow void aesthetic and discrete form, symbolically carried this concept to create an interesting duality. From one visual field, the luminaire seemingly disappears from view, but from other vantage points, it appears as a highly visible design move to complement the building’s perforated deck ceiling.

Library visitors are often surprised to find that when standing directly below the fixture, Aperture takes on a different character, allowing you to look straight through to the architecture above.

photo_credit Firewater Photography - McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture
Firewater Photography - McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture

With exceptional optical control, colour accuracy, and uniform light distribution of 25 up/75 dn, Aperture also minimizes the number of fixtures required to efficiently illuminate Hapeville Library’s interior spaces—contributing to the project exceeding its environmental targets. 

"A major component of the project was Fulton County’s challenge to achieve LEED Silver as a minimum. The lighting selection contributed several points and ultimately helped Hapeville Library achieve LEED Gold certification."


photo_credit Firewater Photography - McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture
Firewater Photography - McMillan Pazdan Smith Architecture
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Interior LightingFluxwerx
Interior Lighting
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