The Museum is conceived as a narrative project closer to a cinematographic discipline than to the conventional schemes of the museum through a discourse deployed through different frames and different reading levels: signs, images, objects, sounds, text, projections, codes, smells and atmospheres…
The project enhances the relationship between content-continent, between architecture and art works by devising different atmospheres appropriate to each time and each space.
The unity of the museum –composed of architectures of different times- is achieved by using a carpet of steel that meanders through the various rooms of millenarian architectures floating between archaic atmospheres without touching the footprints of the past,giving unity to the whole exhibition.
The project is implemented by a single resource: a carpet of steel that works as a guiding thread of the whole exhibition sits, without touching, winding through the different rooms from different times. A single resource, flexible and ambivalent, is able to realize its potential to generating an iconographyable to provide homogeneity to an uneven set in time and space.
A black steel plate 1cm thick is bent and drilled to become gangway, pavement, bench, lamp, exhibitor… the drilled text sex plain while lighting, guiding and giving content to the travel...