Orchard Mesa Middle School
Steve Maylone Photography + MH Lighting

Delivering an Awe-Inspiring & Inviting Education Space

Fluxwerx als Interior Lighting

A new 100,000-square-foot Orchard Mesa Middle School opened its doors in December 2019. BG+co. was tasked by Mesa County School District 51 to deliver an awe-inspiring and inviting educational space where students and teaching staff look forward to being at. From the unique refraction of light off the exterior metal panels to the flexible interior space allowing students to work in different styles, the school is designed to connect with nature and strike a dialogue between its students and the spaces they inhabit while providing educational opportunities throughout.


photo_credit Steve Maylone Photography + MH Lighting
Steve Maylone Photography + MH Lighting

A variety of lighting solutions were needed to address the requirements of numerous learning environments within the school. Working closely with MH Lighting, the design team selected Fluxwerx luminaires as the best energy-efficient and sustainable choices while meeting all aesthetic, design and lighting performance goals.

photo_credit Steve Maylone Photography + MH Lighting
Steve Maylone Photography + MH Lighting

Loops’s unparalleled uniformity and low glare resulted in it being selected for all Mesa Middle School classrooms. Only nine Loop Recessed 1×4 fixtures were needed for most classrooms; wider on-center spacing allowed 351 watts in each environment delivering exceptional work plane uniformity and increased visual comfort from all viewing angles.  The original goal was to provide daylighting in each of the classrooms. Yet, even with the IECC2018 energy code it was not required since the three Loop 1×4 luminaires within every daylight zone only require 39 watts.

photo_credit Steve Maylone Photography + MH Lighting
Steve Maylone Photography + MH Lighting

"Loop’s highly efficacious, precise, axially symmetric lighting distribution created an opportunity for delivering better and more energy efficient lighting."

photo_credit Steve Maylone Photography + MH Lighting
Steve Maylone Photography + MH Lighting


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