Private Residence Hocroft

Private Residence Hocroft

LLI Design als Innenarchitekten

This beautiful family home on the Hocroft Estate, needed to be brought back to it’s former glory. The clients wanted to maintain the art deco features but bring them up to date, whilst adding a contemporary feel to the house. The clients brief to us was to maintain the spacious open plan feel of the house but add warmth and character which they felt was lacking. They wanted a relaxed home in which they could entertain.

Our starting point was the clients love of exuberant strong colour, red being their favourite. Although we didn’t want the colour to overwhelm, we wanted it to make a purposeful statement. The house had some interesting architectural features such as the characterful oval shaped TV room. This unusual shape helped inform the design with a bespoke curved sofa and round forms in other furniture pieces such as the classic Arne Jacobsen Egg chair.

The existing black marble Art Deco bathroom was re-decorated and accessorised to give it a luxurious feel. This in turn led to a 1930’s opulent feel in the master bedroom with mirrored surfaces, glass and opulent fabrics, to create a sanctuary for the owners. The very long but relatively narrow living room was visually divided into two distinct seating areas to make it into a more user friendly space. We opted for a limited palette of grey, red and black, layered with a variety of textures and materials.

Originally the entrance hall opened immediately onto the living room making both spaces uncomfortable and unwelcoming. By creating a small partition wall adjacent to the front door we defined both the entrance hall and the living room whilst still maintaining an open plan feel to the whole of the ground floor. As with all our design schemes good lighting design played a key part in creating a warm and welcoming feel throughout the house.

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