The construction process always leads to a modification. The question of the natural, architectural urban landscape allows to relate the construction to its development in the time.
Thequestion of thestructureishereanimportantpoint. A logicclose to landscape, to the light and to thestructure.
Itallows to draw a link betweentheexisting and changinglandscapewithalso a notion of effectiveness. Thestructurewillprovide to themulti-purpose hall theability to deliverthedifferentgoods. In thisway, theparticularity of thisprogramisthemulti-purposeoption. A specialattentionwill be taken to thestructurestudies :efficiency, cost-efficient and multo-purposal.
Weprefertheliberation of bearingpoints to allowtheusers to developthemselves. Thequestion of developmentwill be a keyelementduringtheapproach.
The pre fabricationservices are promoted :interestingcost-efficient. Thistechnicimproves a cleanbuildingsite. Thespeed of realizationisalsoanimportantpointwhichcreates a minimumincidenceonitsenvironment.