Sherwood Community Center

Sherwood Community Center

Ankrom Moisan als Architekten

Community Center Anchors Ambitious Vision for Historic Civic Core

Sherwood’s significant growth in recent years has led to a multi-million dollarinvestment in Old Town, the town’s historic center, and the Community Center isthe next step in aiding the community in their family-oriented, forward-thinkingapproach. Inspired by Sherwood’s commitment to make Old Town a success,Ankrom Moisan designed a new 14,125 sq. ft. venue for events, meetings, music,dance, and community theatre groups.

The mixed-use project faces retail tenants on Pine Street, then steps back witha small plaza as forecourt to the entry. It invites the community to engage in anatural progression from its wide canopy, into a light-filled lobby and galleryspace, and then to a main hall where the colors and textures of the Sherwood’spast are recalled in a modern vocabulary.

The center seats 392 for performances with 75% telescopic seating, and upto 248 for banquets. Two classrooms provide space for classes, training, andmeetings, and a small kitchen serves concessions for catered events.

High windows at the entry are a viewport into a spacious lobby that can beleased. Local art can be showcased and lit with north facing windows. Warmcolor tones of masonry and stucco highlight different building volumes andfunctions, echoing the charm of Sherwood’s historic downtown.

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