Wizards of the Coast : The Dragons Keep
Pam Bolig Photography

Wizards of the Coast: The Dragons Keep

Fluxwerx als Hersteller

Appropriately named ‘The Dragon’s Keep’, the new 110,000 square foot Wizards of the Coast office headquartered in Renton, WA captivates with its imaginative design that merges playful with functional. 

photo_credit Pam Bolig Photography
Pam Bolig Photography

Tasked with capturing the whimsical nature of WotC while maintaining a modern office environment, JPC Architects delivered an architectural design of bright and open multifunctional spaces. Completed in August 2023, the newly designed workspace of this  world-wide leading game publishing company renowned for creating and publishing Dungeons & Dragons and Magic: The Gathering seamlessly blends functionality with creativity, reflecting the imaginative spirit of the games developed there while catering to the diverse everyday needs of its employees.

photo_credit Pam Bolig Photography
Pam Bolig Photography

Working closely with Pacific Lighting Solutions, the JPC design team selected Fluxwerx Portal Recessed and Portal Pendant plus Lines Suspended luminaires to illuminate the new office spaces. Characterized by precision optics and seamless architectural integration, both award-winning luminaire families provide tailored illumination that defines and elevates open workspaces, huddle meet hubs, and quiet focus areas.

photo_credit Pam Bolig Photography
Pam Bolig Photography

The interior architecture features a variety of ceiling types which allow for a balance of thematic ambiance and practical spatial organization. The selected Fluxwerx luminaires harmonize with the diverse ceiling types, enhancing both ambiance and functional design. The luminaires’ matching diminutive optic channels, versatile ceiling integrations, and range of sizes enabled the design team to craft a cohesive lighting strategy that seamlessly integrates with the architecture while ensuring aesthetic and functional consistency throughout.

photo_credit Pam Bolig Photography
Pam Bolig Photography

Brightly painted drywall ceilings throughout the office define corridor placement throughout the open spaces while open structure ceilings are completed with a black finish, adding depth. The  matching diminutive shapes of the luminaires’ optic channels, combined with the variety of ceiling integrations and sizes offered the design team to create a comprehensive lighting plan that delivers seamless architectural integration and aesthetic cohesion.

photo_credit Pam Bolig Photography
Pam Bolig Photography

Connected in unlimited straight runs and combined with 2-, 3-, and 4-way intersecting pivots, as well as flexible adjustability from 60 degrees, Lines Suspended luminaires bring dynamic and customizable patterns to the ceiling plane, complementing the vibrant energy of the office. Punctuating that are 5.5” and 9” Portal Pendants that are located amongst the patterns of Lines Suspended luminaires. Trimless Portal Recessed luminaires elegantly delineate corridor spaces within the drywall ceilings, while the black powdercoat finish and coordinating black cords of the suspended fixtures ensure a cohesive integration with the architectural ceiling aesthetic.

photo_credit Pam Bolig Photography
Pam Bolig Photography

The performance of the selected Fluxwerx luminaires is a testament to meticulous engineering rather than chance. Portal and Lines luminaires leverage advanced Fluxwerx proprietary optical structures and linear light extraction elements to achieve unparalleled precision and control. The 35 Up | 65 Down distribution of the Lines Suspended luminaires ensures uniform illumination across the office, delivering exceptional surface consistency and efficacies of up to 125 lm/w. Complementing this, Portal Recessed and Pendant luminaires, specified with a wide beam and 100 Down distribution, provide balanced spatial illumination while maintaining peak efficacies of up to 125 lm/w.

photo_credit Pam Bolig Photography
Pam Bolig Photography

JPC’s design of the Wizards of the Coast offices offers a visual balance between work and play through the functional architecture, bold, colorful artwork, and complimentary lighting design that illuminates this Dragon’s Keep. The optical precision, control, and complete absence of glare found in all the Fluxwerx products truly deal in this case a ‘critical hit’. *

photo_credit Pam Bolig Photography
Pam Bolig Photography


*In Dungeons & Dragons (D&D), a *critical hit occurs when a player rolls the highest possible result on an attack roll, typically rolling a natural 20 on a 20-sided die (d20). The concept of a critical hit adds an element of excitement and unpredictability to the game, reflecting moments of extraordinary success in combat.

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