
An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about arches

Projekt • By PLUS ULTRA studioWohnungen

LNZO | Arches & Patterns

Ein Dialog zwischen Abstraktion und Dekoration in einem Penthouse über den Dächern von Mailand In der Wohnung, die PLUS ULTRA im Mailänder Stadtteil Sant'Ambrogio für ein designbegeistertes junges Paar eingerichtet hat, setzt sich ein durch zeitgenössische grafische und strukturelle Akzente gekennzeichnetes Layout zunächst unauffällig in Szene, um dann die Hauptrolle zu übernehmen. Die Arbeit an der Verteilung, den Geometrien, den Farben und den Texturen definiert zunächst eine Art verbindendes Gewebe, das sich als die eigentliche architektonische Intervention entpuppt: unaufdringlich, raffiniert und entschlossen. Federico Villa Die kürzlich fertig gestellte Wohnung über den D&au... Mehr

Projekt • By LupettatelierBüros


Bei der Renovierung dieses eleganten Hauses im Zentrum von Mailand ging es darum, historische Elemente zu erhalten und sie mit neuen Gestaltungselementen zu verbinden. Der zentrale Kern des Hauses ist die Diele mit der Kassettendecke, die Räume und Formen schafft. Durch die Farbe wird die Architektur emanzipiert und entwickelt sich von einer vergangenen zu einer zeitgenössischen Phase. Puderblau ist die Farbe, die den gesamten Raum bedeckt, zusammen mit dem Weinrot, das in die Portale eindringt, die von den Kurven von Piero Portaluppi inspiriert sind. Durch die Portale erreicht man das Arbeitszimmer und das große Wohnzimmer, in dem sich sowohl die Fernsehecke als auch das Esszimmer befinden. Davide Arena Davide Arena... Mehr

Projekt • By Tsutsumi and AssociatesGeschäfte

Mayuzuki -HAREGINO MARUSHO 1F sales area-

Marusho was founded in Yokohama 55 years ago. We were in charge of the renovation design of the 1st floor sales floor, staircase, and façade, in continuation of last year's second-floor clothing area. In contrast to the 2nd floor, which was mainly a formal Kimono for weddings, the 1st floor displays 3 types of Kimono which are Furisode for coming-of-age ceremonies, Hakama for graduation ceremonies, and Shichi-Go-San for kids. Caption The façade before the renovation had curved wall with white tiles, which did not match the image of the Kimono. For this reason, we added a gate-shaped structure to hide the curved wall, and a straight wall covered with exposed-aggregate finish parallel to the road was created. Peeler louve... Mehr

NachrichtenNachrichten • 17 Dez. 2021

Adjaye Associates completes nature inspired civic and cultural hub inside Florida park

Adjaye Associates envisions the new civic and cultural hub as a micro-village of two pavilions inside the Martin Luther King, Jr. Park, on the north side of Orlando, Florida. Each pavilion has a different scale and function, but all three share a common formal language. Dror Baldinger The architectural language takes inspiration from the local fauna and the region’s vernacular and translates it into locally sourced rose-pigmented concrete, arched windows and vaulted rooflines. Dror Baldinger “It’s been humbling and inspiring to work together with the City of Winter Park and the many local champions of this project to realize this 21st century prototype of a multi-purpose knowledge campus in the public realm.... Mehr

Projekt • By AnyColorPrimarschulen

Innovative school labs

When we first got invited to design an innovative STEM center in Shumen, Bulgaria, we were pleased to work with a young team of teachers and professionals, who helped us set the program. Happily, their views and needs matched with our approach and together we were able to establish a design proposal with which we applied for state funding and subsequently the school won the finances needed for the realization. Teachers wanted to have the proper facilities to prepare children for the professions of the future, like environmentalist, computer specialist, robotics engineer and others in the STEM field. To answer their requirements, we proposed that each of the laboratories of the refurbished center has its distinctive feature in a specifi... Mehr

NachrichtenNachrichten • 4 Juni 2021

Antik Dantel HQ takes visitors on a journey through an expressive steel construction and natural jungle

In Istanbul, Turkey, Antik Dantel HQ serves as the headquarters of a well-established lace manufacturing company. The building’s expressive steel construction accommodates a showroom where production samples of the company are exhibited, personal offices of the partners, open-plan offices with meeting areas, and a dining hall for company employees. İbrahim Özbunar Undertaken by Zemberek Design, one of the fundamental goals of the design was to take visitors on a holistic architectural journey that starts at the entrance of the building at culminates at the lakeside. Arches, lined up one after the other like a backbone, divide the spaces into sections, providing a perception of direction and different perspective possibiliti... Mehr

Projekt • By TempelbauGeschäfte


Anthos was born from the desire to achieve a design that simultaneously takes advantage and enhances the architectural features of the space.The original space consisted of a single tunnel-shaped room divided into four squared bays with vaulted ceiling. The concept envisions the division of space into two functionally different zones:The first three bays host the clothing display while the last bay contains a mirroring wall, the cashier desk and the accessories display as a background of the composition.Furniture seizing focuses on a geometric module based on the subdivision of the bay into three parts.Lighting represents an important part of the project. In fact, integrating lighting within the pieces of furniture, allows an optimal exhib... Mehr

NachrichtenNachrichten • 9 Juli 2020

Dramatic arches and openings drive Salzburg pharmacy institute design

In January of 2016, Berger+Parkkinen Architects were commissioned to plan a new building for Paracelsus Medical Private University (PMU) in Salzburg. The site, which previously housed a printing plant, reaches up to an elevated railway embankment. The new building responds to the north-south oriented volumes of its surroundings, fitting into its context in terms of scale. Meanwhile, the deliberately staggered arrangement of the buildings results in different spatial sequences and views. Herta Hurnaus The concept of the laboratories and institute rooms comes as a continuation of institute building House C on the opposite side of the street, which was also designed and completed by Berger+Parkkinen. A particular challenge was the questi... Mehr

Projekt • By Zieta StudioSkulpturen


This architectural, public sculpture consists of 35 bionic steel arches referring in form to the shape of the island and most of all to construction of nearby historic architecture of Ostrów Tumski originally established in XI century. The arches together create an ultralight, durable construction, its mirror-polished surface reflects the surroundings and gives the effect of a naturally growing sculpture that changes throughout the day and seasons.NAWA is part of revitalization programme for Daliowa Island – the smallest of over a dozen islands in downtown Wrocław. Aim of the programme was to turn neglected and forgotten space into an area open to meetings, concerts and artistic events, thus a reclamation to city inhabitants. NAWA is the cr... Mehr

Projekt • By YCL studioWohnungen

The Four Seasons

Das moderne und verspielte Interieur der 60 qm großen Wohnung besticht durch seine subtilen Details. Elegante und raffinierte Bögen - ein sich wiederholendes Element in der gesamten Wohnung. Diese Elemente erfüllen das minimalistische, loftartige Interieur mit Verspieltheit und Unerwartetem, geben den Oberflächen Weichheit und Tiefe und verstärken gleichzeitig den Eindruck der Modernität. Das skulpturale Detail, das in jedem Raum auftaucht, weckt die Neugierde, lädt zum Näherkommen, Durchgehen und Weiterschauen ein.Die Haupträume werden von Parkett- und Betondecken eingerahmt, die sich in einem monochromen Interieur spiegeln. Wohn- und Schlafzimmer orientieren sich an der Fenstervitrine, in der... Mehr