By Bio Architecture Formosana

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about by Bio Architecture Formosana

NachrichtenNachrichten • 1 Feb. 2022

Taisugar Circular Village in Taiwan embraces the principles of circular construction and design

A key principle of the circular economy is that materials are reused and virtually no waste is created. The design of Taisugar Circular Village by Bio Architecture Formosana in Tainan, Taiwan takes this principle into account by analyzing the building construction and deconstruction plans upfront to minimize waste. The use of a modularized design with modular building components further ensured build efficiency. Studio Millspace The Circular Village development comprises three ‘Circular Blocks’ being the ‘C-House’, ‘E House’ and a ‘C-Farm.’ The C-House functions as the living room of the village, the E-House as the kitchen, and the C-Farm as a garden where food is produced. Studio Mil... Mehr