Flat roof

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about flat roof

Projekt • By FUTRHOMESPrivathäuser


The FUTRHOMES QUANTUM is the realization of a 10-year pursuit, to offer the fabled "home of tomorrow" to prospective buyers, at a market price. Like all projects, this one has a story that seems to define the end result through inspiration and epiphanies, with specific goals and objectives to be met. This is that story. AK MEDIA, LLC AK MEDIA, LLC AK MEDIA, LLC FUTRHOMES, LLC was just an idea in 2014 that was birthed when the owner, Vincent Black, saw a magnificent modern home online that captured the imagination and sparked the quest to understand how this magnificent house (The Burlingame Residence by Toby Long Designs) could be constructed as a modular home. The quest yielded in forming the company, and later registering... Mehr

Projekt • By BioniquePrivathäuser


On an almost flat plot, we designed a villa for the client and his family, with one of their main requests being ample natural light and a seamless connection between the ground floor and the outdoor amenities. The shape of the villa is conceived as a massive rectangular block, wrapped in a band made up of walls and slabs. This band forms an envelope around the villa's core, serving multiple functions: creating terraces, overhanging roof sections for protection against overheating and rainfall, and brise-soleils to shield from direct sunlight. By Bionique The material choice for these elements, natural stone, plays a key role in creating a sense of stability and solidity for the villa. The southern facade is accentuated by movable an... Mehr

Produkt • By ElevateRubberGard™ EPDM SA - Self-adhered roofing membrane

RubberGard™ EPDM SA - Self-adhered roofing membrane

Among the main challenges that the construction industry is facing today are a shortage of skilled labor, an increased demand for productivity, and the need for durable solutions that are flexible in their application. The same holds for the waterproofing industry. Elevate's RubberGard EPDM SA roofing membrane is made with all these challenges in mind to meet the current and future demands of roofing. RubberGard EPDM SA represents the next generation of self-adhered roofing membranes. It features a factory-applied Secure Bond adhesive across the entire membrane which eliminates the need for bonding adhesives or waiting time. Consequently, RubberGard EPDM SA can be installed much faster than standard EPDM roofing membranes, so more roof are... Mehr

Projekt • By JMADGehäuse

Stone Pier

This modern design utilizes stone piers to suspend volumes of glass to create the interior spaces, and capture views from throughout the home to connect with the natural beauty of the surrounding wetlands. Inside, wood elements are used to give warmth and contrast to the stone to create a welcoming feel to the spaces. JMAD JMAD JMAD JMAD JMAD JMAD JMAD JMAD JMAD The cantilevered deck and pool provide a unique experience, with a large glass guillotine window wall on a pulley system, raising to connect the with the interior of the house. JMAD JMAD JMAD JMAD JMAD JMAD Green roof decks are incorporated into the flat roof design providing another usable exterior space,... Mehr

Projekt • By RO | ROCKETT DESIGNPrivathäuser


The dramatic site largely informed the design of this residence. Early explorations of a serpentine architecture threading through large, slumbering boulders and towering evergreen trees resulted in a design which cascades the site, negotiating the sectional character of the lot, leading to the water’s edge. Rather than altering the site by removing seemingly cumbersome boulders, the design worked with it – integrating its unique character and intricacies, creating moments for its residents and visitors.  JOE FLETCHER JOE FLETCHER JOE FLETCHER JOE FLETCHER JOE FLETCHER The material and color palette of the design was equally inspired by the site’s inherent beauty. The residence is set on a ru... Mehr

Projekt • By RO | ROCKETT DESIGNPrivathäuser


The house is situated on a narrow lot amidst a spectrum of 1950’s era beach bungalows and an eclectic mix of freshly minted estates. The concept for this home originated from a desire to generate a timeless balance between the vernacular of mid-century California beach architecture and contemporary sensibilities towards sustainable materials, function, vistas and natural light. BRANDON SHIGETA LAUREN PRESSEY LAUREN PRESSEY LAUREN PRESSEY BRANDON SHIGETA BRANDON SHIGETA BRANDON SHIGETA BRANDON SHIGETA BRANDON SHIGETA Mehr

Projekt • By RO | ROCKETT DESIGNPrivathäuser


In Aspen’s historic West End neighborhood, a classic 1890s Victorian-Era home is carefully restored to its original form after years of non-historic additions and renovations.  The Victorian is stabilized and reinforced, renovated, and linked to a contemporary addition and newly excavated lower-level basement. DRAPER WHITE DRAPER WHITE DRAPER WHITE DRAPER WHITE DRAPER WHITE DRAPER WHITE DRAPER WHITE DRAPER WHITE DRAPER WHITE Inside the Victorian, the original compartmentalized layout is opened to dynamic, multi-story volumes and free-flowing circulation.  Unified by these volumes, a three-story floating wood stair overlooks the lower-level rec room below.  A double-height ki... Mehr

Produkt • By Pure VistaBalcony Seal®

Balcony Seal®

The revolutionary patented system to ensure a watertight exterior balcony balustrade installation. Currently available to fit the POSIglaze base fix channel and SPIG-LITEadvanced spigots. Read more about POSIglaze and SPIG-LITEadvanced on our product overview pages, shop the BALCONYseal® in our online store or call us for a free quote today.  Balcony Seal® is a revolutionary product which provides water drainage and waterproofing on any exterior POSIglaze and SPIG-LITEadvanced installation. To the left, you can see how the drain block looks under the SPIG-LITEadvanced and POSIglaze Base Fix. Caption Most balconies and flat roofs are built with a slight pitch to encourage rainwater to drain towards the edge of the roof.... Mehr

Projekt • By xzoomprojectPrivathäuser

Single story modern house

This one-story house with a flat roof is situated in Thailand. The interior of the house features an open-plan living room that integrates the kitchen and dining area. Moreover, it contains a master bedroom, a guest bedroom, and a study room. Outside, the house is remarkable for its wide terraces around a spacious outdoor pool with comfortable soft seating lounge area and an artistic garden of stones. xzoomproject xzoomproject   Due to the extreme heat of the region and the client's desire for large windows, we decided to use long roof overhangs to provide natural shade for the interior of the house. Additionally, due to seasonal rain floods, we chose to raise the house above ground level. This also enabled us to cr... Mehr

Projekt • By sofSURFACES Inc.Städte

20 PQR Project

Now more than ever, home owners, business owners, developers and architects around the world are looking for ways to transform empty rooftop spaces into beautiful living spaces. This is especially evident in densely populated urban centers where new developments are are on the rise – literally! Property costs are increasing, footprints are decreasing in size, yet building costs continue to increase. Developers, designers and architects everywhere are finding ways to maximize every bit of living space. One way this has become very apparent is by going vertical. Caption Nestled beautifully into a downtown Sacramento city block that fronts onto 20th street and runs between P Street and R Street, is the 20 PQR Development by The Gru... Mehr

Projekt • By FAKROWohnlandschaft

Stylish homes in the windy city

Chicago can boast with modern apartments that provide comfort of use and stand out with their sophisticated interior design. Convenient access to a flat roof, filled with photovoltaic panels, is ensured by sensational and innovative DRF access roof lights by FAKRO.   Modern building design We all need eco-friendly structures. Users of innovative, energy-efficient buildings save on heating bills, while the local community enjoys healthy and clean air. The project of four modern buildings completed in Chicago meets all these objectives. It takes advantage of advanced technical solutions, materials and products to create a friendly and healthy environment. Photovoltaic panels providing electricity for households have been installe... Mehr

Produkt • By ElevateElevate UltraPly™ FPO


Die helle Dachabdichtungslösung Das Bestreben von Elevate, ein komplettes Portfolio von Abdichtungslösungen anzubieten, führte zur Entwicklung der Elevate UltraPly FPO-Dachbahn. Diese thermoplastischen Dachbahnen gehören zu den Dachabdichtungsprodukten im Handel, die den größten Zuwachs verzeichnen und die aufgrund ihrer zahlreichen Leistungs- und Verlegungsvorteile von der Industrie in weitem Maße angenommen werden. Seit dem Verlegen der ersten FPO-Dächer in den neunziger Jahren wurden bereits über 300 Millionen Quadratmeter UltraPly FPO-Dachbahnen weltweit erfolgreich verlegt. Von den kalten Witterungsbedingungen Kanadas bis zum heiß-feuchten Klima Südostasiens. Die helle Dachabd... Mehr

Produkt • By ElevateElevate RubberGard™ EPDM - einlagige Abdichtungsbahn für Flachdächer von Gewerbe-, Industrie- und Wohngebäuden

RUBBERGARD™ EPDM - synthetic rubber single-ply waterproofing membrane for flat and low slope roofs

EPDM-Dachlösung für ein hervorragendes Ergebnis Einlagige Abdichtungssysteme gewinnen stetig Marktanteile. Herausragende Langlebigkeit, einfache Installation und die Möglichkeit, die Energieeffizienz von Gebäuden zu optimieren und gleichzeitig deren Umweltbelastung zu minimieren, sind die Schlüsselfaktoren für diesen Trend. Die  RubberGard EPDM-Dachbahnvon Elevate erfüllt all diese Kriterien. RubberGard EPDM ist eine einlagige Abdichtungsbahn für Flachdächer von Gewerbe-, Industrie- und Wohngebäuden. Die Bahn bietet hervorragende Haltbarkeit, Belastbarkeit und Anpassungsfähigkeit an aktuelle und zukünftige Anforderungen an das Gebäude. Caption Die Instal... Mehr

Projekt • By HeliotropePrivathäuser

Artist Residence

Designed for an artist and an engineer, the residence is located mid-block in a downtown neighborhood surrounded by common Seattle cottages and bungalows. The design brief called for a work studio central to the layout of the house, ample white walls for a growing art collection, a strong connection to the gardens and to the life of the street, and lots of natural light. The house is scaled to fit discreetly into its surroundings, and seeks a non-fussy clarity in it’s detailing and materiality that defers to the interesting lives of its occupants.   Building Area: 3500 sf Contractor: Dovetail Photography: Benjamin Benschneider Mehr

Projekt • By Mono ArchitektenPrimarschulen

After-School Care Centre Waldorf School

Das Schulgelände der Freien Waldorfschule am Prenzlauer Berg nimmt eine besondere städtebauliche Insellage zwischen sozialistischer Plattenbauweise, gründerzeitlichen Blockrandstrukturen und den Grünanlagen des Jüdischen Friedhofes ein. Das inzwischen energetisch sanierte Bestandsschulhaus ist ein 5-geschossiger Plattenbau der 70er Jahre. Dem Bedürfnis der wachsenden Schulgemeinschaft folgend schrieb die Schule einen Wettbewerb für einen Hortneubau sowie Ideen fürspätere Erweiterungsbauten aus.Der gewählte Formenkanon setzt sich bewusst von der Formensprache der Bestandsgebäude ab und ergänzt sie um ein lebendiges Moment. Der Hortneubau dockt hofseitig an das Schulhaus an und streckt sich gleich einer Gliederkette aus wabenförm... Mehr