School building

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about school building

NachrichtenNachrichten • 19 Aug. 2024

Bright, double-height atrium provides vibrant center of activity in Quebec high school

Birtz Bastien Beaudoin Laforest (BBBL) und Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes haben die École secondaire de la Nouvelle-Ère (New Era High School) in Gatineau, einer Stadt im Südwesten Quebecs, Kanada, fertiggestellt. Das Design der Schule legt den Schwerpunkt auf natürliches Licht, offene Räume und warme Materialien, um eine Umgebung zu schaffen, die dem Lernen, der Kreativität und dem Komfort förderlich ist. Ein helles, doppelt so hohes Atrium sorgt für ein besonders lebendiges Zentrum der Aktivitäten. Nanne Springer Nanne Springer Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes inc. BBBL und Jodoin Lamarre Pratte architectes bildeten 2017 ein Konsortium, um die neue High School... Mehr

Projekt • By Archi-RelevantPrimarschulen

learning to let go: chonggu experimental school

The following content is provided by BAU Brearley Architects+Urbanists (Melbourne-Shanghai) and authorized to share. INNS images not factories Public schools in Shanghai are conservative in their pedagogy and factory-like in their architecture. The new Chonggu Experimental School however provides the potential for a shift in pedagogy from the traditional disciplinary model to less formal, enquiry-based approaches. It also presents a paradigm shift in formal expression – a design shaped for joy, play and dreaming. INNS images daydreaming Inspired by the site’s canal and by the lyrical drawings of late architect, Zhang Zai Yuan, the formal language of the school is dream-like, another world, a world of innovation, cr... Mehr

NachrichtenNachrichten • 14 Nov. 2023

GGR Architectes completes Maurice Fonvielle School with timber elements in southern France

Das Architekturbüro GGR Architectes aus Toulouse hat in Pibrac, einer kleinen Stadt in der Region Haute-Garonne im Südwesten Frankreichs, eine Grundschule in Holzbauweise fertiggestellt. Das Projekt befindet sich in einem städtischen Entwicklungsgebiet am westlichen Rand der Gemeinde. Es befindet sich entlang eines bestehenden Radwegs und inmitten von Einfamilienhäusern, kleinen Mehrfamilienhäusern, einer Turnhalle, einem Kindergarten, öffentlichen Plätzen und geschützten Waldgebieten. Marie-Caroline Lucat Die Schule ist hufeisenförmig angeordnet, so dass ein zentraler, geschützter Spielplatz entsteht, der mit einem Spielfeld und schattigen, mit Bäumen bepflanzten Bereichen au... Mehr

NachrichtenNachrichten • 31 Juli 2023

School in Alicante ensures well-being is on a par with education

Das spanische Architekturbüro Cor Asociados Arquitectos hat die Planung und den Bau der Doctor Calatayud School in Aspe, Alicante, Spanien, abgeschlossen. Das Design dieser modernen Grund- und Mittelschule stellt sicher, dass Wohlbefinden und Bildung gleichberechtigt sind. David Frutos David Frutos Bei der Planung eines Schulgebäudes mussten Cor Asociados Arquitectos eine Reihe von räumlichen Anforderungen berücksichtigen und erfüllen. Das Layout der Schule berücksichtigt eine Vielzahl von Kriterien, darunter Funktionalität und Flexibilität, Licht und Belüftung, Verbindung und Zirkulation. Ziel des Projekts war es, ein einprägsames, effizientes (leicht zu wartendes) und na... Mehr

NachrichtenSpezifikation • 11 Juli 2023

10 school buildings with special brick facades

In einem Interview mit dem Royal Institute of British Architects (RIBA) wurde vorgeschlagen, dass ein gutes Schulbaudesign "beengte Räume, Mangel an natürlichem Licht und schlechte Akustik" vermeiden sollte. Außerdem sollten "Schulgebäude mit der sie umgebenden Gemeinschaft in Beziehung stehen, wobei jedes Gebäude seine eigenen Herausforderungen und Möglichkeiten bietet" (Pisanu, 2018). Backstein ist ein besonders solides Baumaterial - sowohl traditionell als auch modern, äußerst praktisch und langlebig. Zu den wichtigsten Vorteilen der Verwendung von Ziegeln in der Architektur gehören ihre Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Witterungseinflüsse, ihre Nichtbrennbarkeit, ihre lange Lebensdauer... Mehr

Projekt • By MosaAuditorien

Bundesrealgymnasium Sperlgasse

Project Bundesrealgymnasium Sperlgasse, published by Mosa. Location: Wien, Austria Category: Education - Secondary Schools Connect with Mosa for more information Mehr

Projekt • By EvenbeeldPrimarschulen

Expansion Onze-Lieve-Vrouwecollege Antwerp

The demolition of the existing school building on the site of the Onze-Lieve-Vrouwecollege on the Frankrijklei and its replacement by a new building should provide an answer to the demand for additional school infrastructure on the site, created by extra traffic through the creation of a kindergarten on the one hand and by the relocation of the humanities of 'De Dames' to the site of the college in 2018 on the other. The existing L-building on Louiza-Marialei, designed by Rie Haan in the 1960s, has not been in use for several years. This is due to the poor constructional and physical properties of the building. Taking into account the poor condition and the small size of the classrooms, the Onze – Lieve – Vrouwecollege decided... Mehr

Projekt • By PAB ArchitectsSekundarschulen

Gökçeada High School Campus

Gökçeada High School Campus consists of a high school, a vocational school, a dormitory, a sports center, a conference hall, and a library. The campus is situated on Gökçeada Island in Aegean Sea. PAB Architects won the architectural competition in 2014 and the realized design is in use by 2019. The design of the campus proposes an alternative, innovative and participatory learning environment which puts the student in a central role.  The main aim of the project is to create an 'open campus' by an integrated life between educational-social spaces of the school and the urban environment. Being on an island, the town is an isolated settlement with limited resources. Having townspeople to share the library, confe... Mehr

Projekt • By DRAW CollectivePrimarschulen

Franklin Regional School District

DRAW Collective led a very interactive District-wide study for the Franklin Regional School District seeking long and short term solutions to address the facility needs for their educational program. With the study complete, work transitioned to the design of a new two-building primary campus on the District’s Sloan property. The Study included an assessment of each of their five school buildings, the grade-level groupings, a demographics analysis, and work sessions and tours with various administrative teams to understand the needs and goals for the District. Multiple options were identified and explored, including combinations of building renovations, consolidation, and new facilities. The selected option to improve the elementary... Mehr
MSZ-GL24NA-U1 Wall-Mounted Indoor Unit
MXZ-8C48NAHZ M-Series Hyper-Heating INVERTER® H2i® Multi-Zone Outdoor Heat Pumps
MXZ-8C48NAHZ M-Series Hyper-Heating INVERTER® H2i® Multi-Zone Outdoor Heat Pumps

Projekt • By Mitsubishi Electric Trane HVAC USPrimarschulen

Hollis Primary School

Hollis Primary School (HPS) in Hollis, New Hampshire has served its community for generations. Just as the school’s dedicated teachers continually refresh the curriculum for students in pre-kindergarten through third grade, the community, led by the school staff, school board, parents and the Hollis Energy Committee, recognized the need to modernize the building for comfort and sustainability. Mitsubishi Electric Zoned Comfort Solutions® would prove essential to this retrofit. HPS is housed within a brick masonry building built in 1952. Prior to its modernization, the facility had no insulation. The walls had an R-value of 1, equivalent to a single pane of glass. The uninsulated slab of the building was above grade and resulted i... Mehr


Nursery School Virolet

The project is born taking into account two main considerations:1 The place, with its topography and geometry, gives shape to the floor plan. The site becomes the landmark of the project.2 Being a nursery school forced us to keep user-friendly and familiar stairs even though the use of unevenness was needed in order to achieve a direct contact of the rooms with the playground.The place because of its area and its topography was determinant in the architectural aspect of the school. Although it is advisable to plan the different spaces on one floor, in this particular case we had to consider two floors. It division into two floors with different accesses was our proposal in order to solve the problem of the slope.The tridimensional organizat... Mehr

Projekt • By Alvidrez ArchitectureUniversitäten

Architecture Discipline Building

The Architecture Discipline Building (ADB) is the new home of the El Paso Community College (EPCC) + Texas Tech University (TTU) Partnership 2 + 2 Architecture Program. The program consists of a two year Associates of Art in Architecture Degree at EPCC + two years at Texas Tech University to receive a Bachelor of Arts in Architecture. This is the only architecture program in the region; within a 266 mile radius.The ADB is located on the college’s flagship “Valle Verde” Campus. The “Valle Verde” Campus began its construction in 1979 and is comprised of very solid buildings with a prominent use of well-crafted concrete + brick walls. These introverted buildings are organized around central courtyards/plazas lush with landscape creating places... Mehr

Projekt • By EGM architectsUniversitäten

Fontys University of Applied Sciences

A former TNO laboratory building on the campus of Eindhoven University of Technology will be transformed into a flexible building for education and research. The focus of the redevelopment lies on creating an inspiring, inviting and future-proof learning environment. EGM architects has drawn up the proposal to redesign the building.Adaptable and future-proof transformationIn 2019 the technology departments of Fontys University of Applied Sciences Eindhoven will relocate to the campus of the University of Technology. To facilitate the move, a former laboratory building on the campus will be transformed into a new building for education that is fitted out in every respect for the future. The redevelopment focuses on creating a flexible buildi... Mehr

Projekt • By bureau SLAPrimarschulen

Nature and Environment Learning Centre

bureau SLA designed a school building that is a teacher itself. In the Nature and Environment Learning Centre in Amsterdam sustainability can be easily experienced and understood by children. In Amsterdam, every primary school student is provided with his or her own 6m2 garden to care for. These students are also enrolled in classes where they learn about nature and the environment, held in one of the buildings dedicated to the purpose throughout Amsterdam. As of this year though, Amsterdam Noord becomes host to a new building designed specifically for this purpose: the Nature & Environment Learning Centre.This new building replaces two temporary structures (which housed the program for the previous five years). In addition to bein... Mehr