Thailand architecture

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about Thailand architecture

NachrichtenNachrichten • 5 Aug. 2024

“French Kitsch” cafe design embraces French cathedrals, croissants, and pink French Bulldogs

Das in Bangkok ansässige Designbüro TOUCH Architect hat in Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, ein bemerkenswertes Betoncafé geschaffen, dessen Architektur von französischen Kathedralen und Croissants beeinflusst ist. "French Kitsch" ist ein 360 Quadratmeter großes französisches Café und eine Konditorei mit einem Hauch von Kitsch in Form mehrerer rosafarbener französischer Bulldoggen-Skulpturen, die die Liebe des Besitzers zu dieser beliebten französischen Rasse widerspiegeln. Das Konzept des Kitsches findet sich auch in architektonischen Elementen und Materialien wieder, die an die Form eines Croissants erinnern.  Metipat Prommomate TOUCH Architect Das Bild einer franzö... Mehr

NachrichtenNachrichten • 29 Juli 2024

Bangkok-based IDIN Architects designs unique cafe around two baobab trees

Das in Bangkok ansässige Architekturbüro IDIN Architects entwarf Harudot, ein einzigartiges architektonisches Coffee-Shop-Erlebnis in der Küstenstadt Chonburi, Thailand. Das Projekt für die thailändische Kaffeespezialitätenmarke Nana Coffee Roasters und einen Inhaber, der exotische Pflanzen verkauft, ist um zwei bauchige Affenbrotbäume (oder Flaschenbäume) herum gebaut. DOF Sky | Ground DOF Sky | Ground IDIN Architects „Der Name 'Haru' bedeutet auf Japanisch 'Frühling' und verweist auf einen neuen Anfang und Wachstum, während 'Punkt' einen Ausgangspunkt symbolisiert“, erklärt IDIN Architects. Harudot ist als Zielcafé konzipiert, ein Ort, an... Mehr

Projekt • By GODMOTHER STUDIORestaurants


This concrete edifice stands as a fine-dining sanctuary in Maerim, Chiangmai. Conceived by a chef transitioning from the chaos of Bangkok, the establishment reflects a desire for serenity, finding its home where the owner's residence resides in Maerim. Jirayu Rattanawong Jirayu Rattanawong Jirayu Rattanawong Jirayu Rattanawong Jirayu Rattanawong The architectural vision was clear: to carve a cave amid the panoramic expanse, following a straightforward blueprint. The design manifests as a simple box with a sloping roof, employing a primitive concrete finishing technique for a textured exterior. Internally, raw concrete walls prevail until the main bar, where a precast technique, devoid of color, enhances the cave-li... Mehr

NachrichtenNachrichten • 29 Jan. 2024

25 best architecture firms in Thailand

Tief im kulturellen Erbe verwurzelt, trägt die thailändische Architektur die unauslöschlichen Spuren jahrhundertealter Traditionen und ist dennoch anpassungsfähig an zeitgenössische Einflüsse. Die thailändische Architektur ist stark von den umliegenden asiatischen Ländern wie China und Indien inspiriert und zeichnet sich durch eine intensive Verbindung zur Umwelt und zu soziokulturellen Überzeugungen aus. Auch heute noch setzen die lokalen Gemeinschaften auf landestypische Bautechniken und nachhaltige Praktiken. Angesichts des schwierigen Klimas, das von extremer Hitze und Feuchtigkeit geprägt ist, muss die Architektur in Thailand auch Umweltfaktoren berücksichtigen, so dass Nachhaltigk... Mehr
Master Bedroom
Master Bedroom
Living room
Living room
Master Bedroom

Projekt • By MepitreePrivathäuser

MEPITREE: House of Simplicity

This House is located in a small quiet district in the countryside of Bangkok. The central idea is “SIMPLICITY HIDES LUXURY”. The design starts from a grid line that has been used to refine the disorganized layout of the house due to decoration unplanned, inspired by Piet Mondrian, the famous artist from the Minimalist era.  Caption Caption Composition II (1930) ideas were applied to reorganize the space of this house, wire, carpet, and other construction materials were organized and made zoning.Apart from that, the premium materials were selected accordingly Simplicity hides the Luxury concept. Moreover, the health of the resident was taken into account. Caption Caption All materials used have not rel... Mehr

Projekt • By OfficeATBüros

FameLine Products Head Office

Fameline company, one of the leading aluminum suppler and other construction materials in Thailand need to build a  new prominent building which is reflected the modern characteristic of the company. Caption Site: Site for the new project is on the outer ring road of Bangkok which is the high speed traffic road so the building need is to attract people and easily seen from the main road. The main Program of the building is not only normal office but it needed to represents company products as well.   Caption   Program: The programs of the project are separated in to two buildings. The first one, office Building is compose of office, seminar, Showroom and connected to the other building, warehouse, by an open cour... Mehr

Projekt • By OfficeATBüros

PTTEP-S1 Office

The site is on the biggest Thailand petroleum supply on land. The owner (PTTEP) started to build an office building to commemorate 30 year of exploration. Ground is an important element of the design. It is a representation of  ”Oil” underground. By shifting ground up, the space under fold concrete slab plane covered with grass can be used as a building entrance. Caption The top of the fold plane also can be use as flexible space. For The 2nd floor, it is represent PTTEP as innovative company. it is divided at the center to have a courtyard. The ground plane that shifted up can directly touch with the 2nd floor office. Finally there are meet each other “office and ground”. Caption Concept Site: PTTE... Mehr

Projekt • By OfficeATAusstellungsräume

Honda Nakornchaisri

The owner needs a prominent showroom for Honda cars that easily seen from the main road. It is located in Petchakasem Rd. Nakonpratom which is the main road to the west of Thailand. Caption Program: The main programs of the project are showroom, office, reception area, resident ,cars service area and 100 cars parking. Total areas are 10,000 sq.m. Caption Volume: After put all programs in to the site, the project is divided in to 2 parts. The back part, maintenance building, is put on the back of the site. It served as car service and parking. The front part which is the major part, car showroom, is close to main road. It is included cars display reception, office and resident. Caption View:  The car showroom is folded... Mehr

NachrichtenNachrichten • 11 März 2021

International School in Thailand integrates natural forms and materials with contemporary design and modern engineering knowledge

The Panyaden International School in Thailand identifies academic excellence along with closeness to nature as its key trademarks. Following these principles, Chiangmai Life Architects (CLA) undertook the design of several new buildings for the school that integrate natural building materials with contemporary design and modern engineering knowledge. Markus Roselieb The new buildings comprise a science lab core in addition to a new music centre. CLA specified natural materials including bamboo structure, rammed earth and adobe bricks in organic design forms that help to integrate the new buildings with their surroundings. Markus Roselieb The new science centre consists of 3 lab rooms, for chemistry, physics and biology respectiv... Mehr

Projekt • By OfficeATBüros

Glasshouse at Sindhorn

Site: Sindhorn Building built in 1980, a more than 80,000 sq.m. Office building located on one of the most beautiful road in Bangkok called Wireless road, has been extended several times. Until now the owner has an intension to reimage the building by having a spectacular building in front of it to create new image and programs to support the building. Program: The main programs of the new building which is called “Glass house at Sindhorn building” are 4 fine dining restaurants with mezzanine floor and one small cigar bar. As well as, the site has a big tree that needs to preserve. Separated: All fine dining restaurants are separated to connect indoor and outdoor space and create better dining atmosphere. Moreover, they are... Mehr