Ross Barney Architects
Ross Barney Architects
Ross Barney Architects

Ross Barney Architects

Design to make the world a better place. We believe that happiness and well-being are intrinsically linked to the quality of our environment. Our studio is dedicated to making extraordinary spaces, no matter the scope or scale, through inventive and integrated design. The built space we inhabit has a profound impact on individual lives and our shared environment. By approaching each assignment holistically we discover unique, environmentally responsible, and memorable solutions. Our work is iconic and transformative. Our Story Ross Barney Architects is an architecture and urban design studio committed to designing distinctive solutions for every project that we undertake. Established in 1981 by Carol Ross Barney, the firm enjoys long and successful history of creating innovative, environmentally responsible, user focused architecture and civic spaces that stand the test of time. Chicago, Illinois is our home base and laboratory. From our inception, the studio has operated under the belief that the experience of exceptional space is a right that all society should enjoy. The firms’ diverse portfolio of work lends proof to the idea that great design solutions can be developed for any problem. At the heart of this success is a collaborative and holistic design process that actively engages the client and users of a project in order to discover a diverse range of possible solutions. The best design happens when these synergetic interactions and open exchange of ideas are allowed to flourish. Research has always fueled our design process. We search for enhanced understanding of programmatic needs. We are continually exploring new materials and system applications to improve the performance of our buildings. We allow the building to grow out of its place, its technology, and its social and functional needs. This combination of a collaborative process, material exploration, and dedication to excellence allows Ross Barney Architects to provide lasting contributions to the built environment, positioning the studio to continue making the world a better place.
Nuestros Proyectos
Ross Barney Architects Oficinas
Ross Barney Architects Chicago
10 West Hubbard Street, Chicago, IL, United States