In Amsterdam-Buitenveldert, in the direct vicinity of both the Zuidas and Schiphol Airport, a campus-like ensemble of five freestanding office buildings was realized around a park-like garden. This garden is on the roof of the underground car park. Despite variations in floor plan, height and facades, the four buildings form a unity. The low central office with slate masonry provides the other, more transparent offices with a robust heart. Green stone, glass and slate dominate the shared exterior.

The largest pavilion of the ensemble, the Rijn building, has four floors and a large roof terrace with views over the garden. Perpendicular to this pavilion stands the three-storey building Amstel. The facades of these two buildings are horizontally articulated by white overhangs. Floor-to-ceiling glass sections are alternated with vertical strips of dark green marble. A third, U-shaped building, Vecht, has robust slate facades and large windows. The building encloses a transparent entrance area and a large patio where the access to the garage is located.

Close to that entrance is the smallest and most transparent pavilion of the complex, the Sluis building. Fiberglass facades determine the view on the south and parts of the east and west side. The north façade and the adjoining parts of the west and east façades are also executed in slate. The fifth building is located on the Amstelveenseweg side. The facades are coherent with those of the Rijn and Amstel buildings.