Eco Village Taiyuan Park

Eco Village Plot 9 Masterplan Taiyuan Park, China

STERLING PRESSER como Arquitectos

PLOT 9 development is a unique project combining leisure, hotels, homestay within a specific natural landscape. The site is including a 18 000 m2 development along the river Xiaohe in Taiyuan. The whole concept aims at respecting the beautiful and natural landscape shaped along the river. Each program is integrated within the nature and trying to have a light impact within the trees and the topography. It offers a sense of place and a place to rest or natural activities.


Invitation to nature along the river: thirty minutes from the city center, the project is an invitation to nature, local crafts activities, sustainable shopping and local food restaurants. The ­project is aiming to take a sustainable approach within Chinese growth and to propose a circular and sustainable design. Materials used for the buildings are natural, recyclable materials and reclaimed materials.


The landscape integration is reinforced with secondary and smooth path along the meanders. The difference of levels between the dam level and plot 9 program is managed with terraces and steps providing gardens, between privacy and public promenade. From a landscape and urban scale to a house and garden scale: within this program, the plot integrates smaller parcels and buildings with shopping areas, cafes, restaurants, place to stay and share time. The smaller units are fabricating an intimate scale of piazza, courtyards.

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