Urban regeneration and renaturation in Tervuren

Urban Regeneration of the Ex-Cavelry Barracks in Tervuren

C + S Architects como Arquitectos

Winning entry of the international competition

C+S Architects start construction of the Monumental Heritage site named Panquin including the Ex-Cavarlry Barracks in Tervuren, 15 minutes from the Belgian Capital.  With a total investment of 100 million euros, the project foresees the restoration of the historical complex of the Ex-Cavalry Barracks, which, together with the building of the Orangery, will be transformed into a luxury hotel for a total of 108 guest rooms, restaurants, lounges, and SPA, all assets which will be accessible also by the local community. Four new residential and commercial blocks are added on the borders of the park and public spaces to offer a series of special experiences for the inhabitants and visitors: a new monumental square, a newly designed square brought back to its original historic level, a generous park with a new lake and a smaller green public space. 


The masterplan is grounded on the study of the historical documentation and reinterpreted in modern forms and values: one example is the re-design, in a contemporary key, of a square raised to the original level (as shown in the historical maps), which hides the bulky massing of the necessary parking spaces and the SPA.

The sequence of the public spaces gives continuity to the different parts of the project becoming a free, well-designed public space accessible to all people.


Great attention has been paid to the definition of the details of the facade and their relationship with the historic buildings, opting for a translation, in a contemporary key, of the key historical elements: from the crowning to the frames of the facades, which will recall the materiality and colors. 

For 25 years C+S has been involved in projects of urban regeneration. We believe in the power of reusing existing buildings as one of the main principles of circularity. We care for people and the planet. Sustainability obtained thanks to the correct orientation of the buildings, the use of geothermal energy and a central warmth net together with photovoltaic panels, thick insulation, and the recuperation of dirty and rainwater for toilets and irrigation, will create almost energy-neutral buildings. 


“We have always been particularly interested to address the relationship between the old and the new, creating a dialogue with the techniques of the past. With Tervuren urban regeneration project, we are honored and proud to give back to the citizens a part of their city today inaccessible. We strongly believe in the power of a free, well-designed public domain to be activated by people, their memories, their dreams, and their experiences, contributing to reinforcing the identity of the community and the roots for future generations".

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