Vrå Children and Culture Centre

A local nerve centre for play and learning

AART como Arquitectos


Vrå Children and Culture Centre paves the way for new perspectives on educational development by incorporating innovative learning environments and active local life into one, giving children and citizens the opportunity to meet, play, learn, and grow together in a safe and community-based environment.

photo_credit Kontraframe

Connects a wide range of services
Vrå Children and Culture Centre is a unique project that focuses on children’s play, learning and development and brings together a wide range of services for the city’s inhabitants, both children and grown-ups. The construction of the school also includes a daycare institution, library, sports hall and outdoor activity area – all with the aim of creating a social nervecentre where children and citizens meet across ages and take part in the local community.

photo_credit Kontraframe

Runs like a read thread
Vrå Children and Culture Centre will not only play a central role in the local community. From the very first day of daycare to the last day of school, and for some far into their adulthood, will run like a read thread, creating connection throughout their everyday lives. A safety that permeates the architecture, where separate entrances to the kindergarden, daycare, and school give calm and comfortable transitions away from home and during their lives.

photo_credit Kontraframe

The heart of the school
The school consists of clusters around a core area, or ‘heart’. This unifying square brings together the landscape, arrival area and clusters with the sports hall, library, daycare institution, teaching areas and classes in an open, atmospheric concept. In addition, the great, gathering common staircase will make space for community and immersion.

photo_credit Kontraframe
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