Healthcare architecture

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about healthcare architecture

NouvellesNouvelles • 13 janv. 2025

New psychiatric clinic in Tampere, Finland provides example of “healing architecture”

Le studio d'architecture danois C.F. Møller Architects a travaillé en collaboration avec le studio finlandais ARCO Architecture Company pour concevoir et achever une nouvelle clinique psychiatrique à l'hôpital universitaire de Tampere, dans la ville de Tampere, en Finlande. La clinique offre un environnement bénéfique et curatif à la fois pour les patients et le personnel. Située en bordure de l'enceinte de l'hôpital, la nouvelle installation se fond dans le paysage environnant pour offrir une atmosphère paisible, privée et thérapeutique. Un lien (via un tunnel souterrain) avec l'infrastructure de l'hôpital principal offre des avantages organisationnels... En savoir plus

NouvellesNouvelles • 6 déc. 2024

Kinderspital Zürich by Herzog & de Meuron emphasizes role played by architecture in the healing process

L'Universtäts - Kinderspital Zürich (hôpital universitaire pour enfants), récemment achevé, a ouvert ses portes dans le quartier pittoresque de Zürich-Lengg, en Suisse. Conçu par le cabinet d'architectes international Herzog & de Meuron, il s'agit du plus grand établissement de Suisse destiné aux enfants et aux adolescents. L'hôpital est divisé en deux bâtiments : un hôpital de soins aigus et un centre de recherche et d'enseignement. La conception perspicace met l'accent sur le rôle que joue l'architecture dans le processus de guérison. Maris Mezulis Maris Mezulis Herzog & de Meuron Situé au sud du site, l... En savoir plus

NouvellesNouvelles • 5 déc. 2024

Fonseka Studio crafts warm and uplifting medical clinic space in Cambridge, Ontario

À Cambridge, en Ontario, la clinique médicale familiale Galt Health cherche à réimaginer l'expérience des soins de santé. Fonseka Studio, basé à Cambridge, a rénové un espace dans un immeuble de bureaux standard, créant un environnement chaleureux, empathique et stimulant pour les patients et le personnel. La conception de la clinique met l'accent sur le bien-être : un choix minutieux des matériaux, une approche pragmatique de l'agencement et l'accent mis sur la lumière naturelle insufflent un sentiment de calme dans l'ensemble de l'espace. Riley Snelling "La conception a été façonnée par les idées de... En savoir plus

Projet • By ALPOLIC® | Metal Composites MaterialsHôpitaux

Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital

Custom Metallic and Mica finishes from #ALPOLIC work together on the envelope of the Craig H. Neilsen Rehabilitation Hospital at the University of Utah to create a welcoming environment that also harmonizes with its natural surroundings. The shining copper color and pearlescent warmth of the Mica metal composite materials evoke a sense of calm and comfort.  Use of these finishes is particularly noticeable on the large canopy at the hospital's entrance. Paired together, the colors extend from the building to shield incoming patients and visitors from the sun, and draw them into a similarly designed place of solace and healing. Steve Tatro Steve Tatro En savoir plus

Projet • By Dietger Wissounig ArchitektenEspaces verts urbains

Multi-Generational Care Knittelfeld

well cared forThe existing state care center is being renovated by Gem. Wohn- und Siedlungsgenossenschaft Ennstal for Volkshilfe Steiermark and expanded to include an extension for a care home and a new childcare facility. The new care home accommodates three residential communities with 15 beds each in combination with the existing care home, which provides a further 45 beds. The single and double rooms are spread over two full floors between a variety of communal areas. Covered verandas, open-air terraces and the central courtyard are part of a large, internal recreation and exercise area. Internally, you are greeted by a sequence of rooms in the foyer, village square, rooms and inner courtyard, which, despite their high density, offer pl... En savoir plus

Projet • By LINK ArkitekturHôpitaux

New Aalborg University Hospital

NAU is a vast new hospital complex in Aalborg East serving the entire region of northern Jutland. The project also includes 25,000 m2 for Aalborg University’s Faculty of Health Sciences (SUND) and development of a master structure plan totalling around 330,000 m2 which includes the creation of Aalborg Psychiatric Hospital, an oncology house, patient hotel and extension of the outpatient house, a service village and chapel. Smith Hammer Lassen / LINK Arkitektur New Aalborg University Hospital has a consistent focus on the individual, both in the architectural expression of the hospital and in the overall structure and inner organisation, which aim to accommodate the patient and provide a patient flow. The consistent focus on the... En savoir plus

Projet • By C& Partners Architects IncHôpitaux

Sheppard Healthcare Building - Toronto Canada

Sheppard Medical Centre is a place of care, serving both its immediate community as well as individuals seeking specialized treatments. Designed according to “Barrier Free” and “Human Centric” principles, the architecture reflects the ambitions of the clients, creating a salutogenic, holistic centre for wellness. C& Partners Architects, in collaboration with Mehdi Marzyari Architects, have designed a two-storey, 10,000 SF medical building on Sheppard Avenue East in North York, Toronto. Providing a host of services, this new medical building aims to contribute, with a positive impact, to the well-being of communities and individuals.  The building mass is split into two programmatic boxes: retail and clinic... En savoir plus

Projet • By C& Partners Architects IncHôpitaux

Visage Cosmetic Healthcare Clinic - Toronto

The Visage Cosmetic Plastic Surgery Clinic, located in the prestigious neighbourhood of Yorkville in downtown Toronto, is a medical spa and cosmetic surgery suite. The design solutions provided a seamless integration of movement, functionality and artistry. The clinic is situated on the ground and second floor of a luxury condominium. The internal circulation, as a result,  was planned to offer a very discreet yet elegant entrance. The façade and structural system were designed together with the architects and engineers of the luxury condominium. C& Partners Architects The project team visited the surgeon’s existing clinic to study his practice and aesthetic values. From the observations, the team conducted inter... En savoir plus

Projet • By C& Partners Architects IncHôpitaux

King Square Healthcare - Toronto

King Square Healthcare is a full-service medical facility within the newly developed ‘Kings Square Mall’ in Markham, Ontario. C& Partners was commissioned to design an extensive medical clinic on the ground and third floors of the mall. C& Partners Architects The main challenge, which informed the main design concept, was to find a way to connect the medical facility’s pharmacy and wellness retail located on the ground with its related medical clinics located on the third floor. C& Partners Architects Creating a visual connection would allow patients and visitors to be conveniently directed from shopping and pharmacy on the first floor to the medical services offered on the third floor quickly navig... En savoir plus

Projet • By C& Partners Architects IncHôpitaux

SHN Covid Test Laboratory - Toronto Canada

Following our work with the Scarborough Health Network (SHN) on their Airborne Infection Isolation Rooms at the General Campus, SHN reached out to C& Partners Architects with an idea to build a clinical laboratory at the Sunnybrook Hospital Campus. This would serve as a much-needed extension to the existing Sunnybrook Lab while providing SHN the resources needed to conduct laboratory research and testing. C& Partners Architects C& Partners first conducted a feasibility study to determine if the intended location was sufficient for a new laboratory building of approximately 6000 sf. Working closely with staff, doctors, and directors from both SHN and Sunnybrook, C& Partners held several design workshops to determine the... En savoir plus

Projet • By C& Partners Architects IncHôpitaux

Clearpoint Healthcare Surgical - Toronto Canada

Clearpoint Surgical aims to provide a tailored circulation system for patients and doctors by offering a biophilic experience that encourages spatial fluidity for all users through salutogenic design.   Clearpoint Health Network is one of Canada’s leading surgical centres, with five locations across the country. Working alongside Clearpoint Health Network and facility project managers, C& Partners was retained to design a new location for their Clearpoint Surgical Toronto hospital. The project aimed to create a cohesive layout for patient diagnostics, consultation, surgery, and recovery in one clinic. Clearpoint Health Network works in partnership with public health authorities across Canada, offering services for both cons... En savoir plus

NouvellesNouvelles • 29 janv. 2023

Studio Antimatter reimagines healthcare delivery through soft, subtle and soothing design elements

Early Medical Centre, designed by Studio Antimatter, rethinks healthcare architecture in Singapore by exploring the psychology and emotional experiences surrounding health screening.  Hosanna Swee The former area constituted a large, empty, rectangular unit divided by a sizable number of structural columns in the middle. The centre was set up so that users could move around the columns in a radial progression by reaping the benefits of spatial limitation. Hosanna Swee Deviating from traditional healthcare facilities with defined linear interiors and cramped spatial divisions, the design focuses on circulation and user movement. Thereby, lavish walkways and ancillary functions were built around the central columns wh... En savoir plus

Projet • By MO-OF / Mobile OfficesHôpitaux

BCM Reliance Hospital

The super speciality hospital is a 300 bed hospital envisioned as one of central India’s ambitious healthcare projects by the BCM-Reliance hospital group.  Yash Salian Concept and Organisation The multi-specialty hospital caters to the growing workforce of Indore. Due to its proximity to the education and IT zones of the city, a large outpatient department with executive health check services form an entry point to the hospital. The lobbies at the lower floor focuses on healing aspects within spaces to reduce hospital related anxiety. These are positive distraction programs such as salons, shopping, prayer room, restaurants, etc. designed to create environments for patients and relatives. The project forms a clear distinct... En savoir plus

Projet • By Matthei & Colin AssociatesHôpitaux

Bronson South Haven Hospital

Located on the shores of Lake Michigan, the Bronson South Haven Hospital brings a unique delivery of care model and defines a new era healthcare to the local neighborhood and surrounding communities in South Haven, Michigan. The 52,000 square foot Hospital and Medical Offices replaces an aging, full-service 49 bed community hospital serving both Allegan and Van Buren Counties in Western Michigan. The new Hospital is designed to meet the needs of the inpatient and outpatient services most utilized by the community and in keeping with future healthcare trends.  The facility will be used as a model for what can be done to provide hospital care in more rural areas across the Bronson Health System. While the original hospital buildings we... En savoir plus

NouvellesNouvelles • 10 mars 2021

DS+R and BLP complete the highly anticipated Susan Wakil Health Building at the University of Sydney

At the University of Sydney, Diller Scofidio + Renfro (DS + R) and Billard Leece Partnership (BLP) have partnered to complete a new state-of-the-art educational facility that consolidates clinical, teaching and research functions while respecting the site’s historic significance as a gathering place for the Gadigal people.   Brett Boardman A total of 21,500 square meters, the building is strategically positioned near the Royal Prince Alfred Hospital and the Charles Perkins Centre and brings together the University’s School of Nursing and Midwifery, the Central Clinical School of the Sydney Medical School, and the Sydney School of Health Sciences. The project also accommodates a library and other components of the Facu... En savoir plus