The new “Mercato Navile“ city quarter is being developed on the site of the former central market east of the Bologna main railway station. JSWD has been commissioned to plan the “Lotto P”, which is located opposite the main station and more or less marks the entrée to the newly developed quarter. “Lotto P” envisions the construction of two volumes that differ in height. A very distinct atrium structure is designed on a square plot that connects the new quarter with the entrance to the new main station by Arato Isozaki.
A residential block building complements the construction plot. A joint foundation that rises circa 1.20m above the street level connects both buildings standing vis-á-vis. A small inner-city garden (jardino) will be created between the two houses. The traditional Bologna arcade house was used as a reference for the external design of the buildings. A very regular stone structure featuring horizontal and vertical pilaster strips forms the significant outer layer of the façade. A glazed, three-story entrance portal on the office building that forms the entrance to the atrium interrupts the façade structure. Individual loggias that cut deep into the residential building characterize the appearance of the façade.
Material Used :
1. Travertine
2. glass