Social housing

An overview of projects, products and exclusive articles about social housing

Progetto • By TECO + partnersAlloggio Sociale

Beroaldo ERP social housing

The project involves the redevelopment of an entire urban block of social housing built in the 1950s. The degradation was irrecoverable, so it was decided to completely demolish it. It consisted of three four-story buildings oriented on the heliocentric axis and placed about 12 meters apart from each other. There was no urban design, only compliance with building hygiene requirements. Fabio Mantovani The project aimed to reconstitute a community of residents who could identify with belonging to a recognizable place beyond ethnic origins. The new buildings protect a large central space on which all the living rooms of the apartments face, creating a continuous interplay between private enclosed space and public open space, mediated by... Altro

NotizieNotizie • 1 ago 2024

Housing development in Mallorca is crafted with emphasis on minimizing environmental impact

Joan J. Fortuny - Arquitecte e Alventosa Morell Arquitectes hanno progettato un complesso residenziale di protezione pubblica a Inca, una città nel cuore di Maiorca, in Spagna. Nel 2020, Joan J. Fortuny si è unito ad Alventosa Morell Arquitectes per formare Fortuny - Alventosa Morell arquitectes, con un focus sullo sviluppo di progetti di edilizia pubblica/sociale. Questo progetto a Inca consiste in 54 case popolari, realizzate con l'obiettivo di ridurre al minimo l'impatto ambientale, massimizzare la qualità degli spazi e il comfort e promuovere la responsabilità sociale ed economica. (In Spagna, le case popolari sono sovvenzionate e hanno un prezzo inferiore al valore di mercato). José Hevia... Altro

NotizieNotizie • 27 mag 2024

Studio Libeskind completes striking affordable senior housing courtyard building in Brooklyn

Il rinomato studio di architettura internazionale Studio Libeskind ha completato l'Atrium at Sumner, un complesso residenziale per anziani a prezzi accessibili a Bedford-Stuyvesant, Brooklyn. Una facciata spigolosa con finestre geometriche distingue il sorprendente edificio a corte dai vicini in mattoni rossi. All'interno, un imponente atrio centrale inonda gli interni di luce naturale e invita i residenti a godere di uno spazio verde aperto tutto l'anno. Hufton+Crow Hufton+Crow Il nuovo Atrium at Sumner, di 11 piani, è stato costruito su un terreno sottoutilizzato del campus Sumner Houses della New York City Housing Authority (NYCHA), un complesso creato a metà del XX secolo nell'ambito degli sforzi della c... Altro

Progetto • By ALPOLIC® | Metal Composites MaterialsAppartamenti

Enigma On the Park

Enigma on the Park, an 86-unit complex catering to the city’s creative population, represents renewal and growth. Situated on property once scarred by pollution, now bordered by lush green space, the project was conceived by Aragon Properties as a place for residents to harness the energy created in the neighborhood’s revival. Dave Kearney for ALPOLIC Dave Kearney for ALPOLIC Designed by BDP Quadrangle and completed in 2018, the complex stands nine stories high and uses reclaimed materials like exposed brick for interior walls to hearken to the area’s industrial past. Floor to ceiling windows allow for natural light to illuminate living spaces. Amenities like common rooms, a rooftop terrace lounge and artist stu... Altro

NotizieDettaglio • 10 mag 2024

Detail: Red facade and triangular plot create distinctive apartment building in Barcelona

Gli studi di architettura MIAS Architects e Coll-Leclerc, con sede a Barcellona, hanno completato lo sviluppo di un caratteristico complesso residenziale contenente 72 unità abitative sociali. L'edificio è definito dalla sua trama triangolare e dalla sua facciata rossa, un riferimento alla zona in cui si trova. MIAS Architects and Coll-Leclerc Architects Adrià Goula   La Marina del Prat Vermell è un quartiere del distretto di Sants-Montjuïc di Barcellona. L'area era un tempo sede di numerose colonie tessili. Fondate a metà del XIX secolo, queste colonie si trovavano a sud del Montjuic (una collina di importanza storica a Barcellona), vicino al mare. I tessuti venivano tinti e... Altro

Progetto • By Tanken Arkitektur ASAlloggio

Aldersundet Bofellesskap

The objective of the project is to create a residential community for six residents, staff, and common areas that harnesses the potential of the site in terms of landscape, cardinal directions, views, infrastructure, and climate. A key focus throughout the process has been to design welcoming homes that facilitate well-being and positive experiences. Sondre Stensheim Jørgensen The building is situated on Haugland in gently sloping terrain with favorable sunlight and a fantastic view towards the beautiful island of Aldra. Sondre Stensheim Jørgensen The design has a precise footprint, cutting into the terrain to the south and defined by a retaining wall to the north. Existing birch groves are preserved to the greates... Altro

Progetto • By COOOP.Alloggio

Multi-Scale Residential, Lahore. Residential, Pakistan

COOOP Designed Multi-Scale Residential units in Lahore, Pakistan, represent a thoughtful approach to residential living, where every aspect of the design is meticulously crafted to enhance the comfort and well-being of its occupants. These residences are more than just buildings; they are sanctuaries that seamlessly blend modern architectural features with a sense of homeliness and warmth. One of the defining characteristics of these units is their emphasis on creating open and breathable spaces. This design choice not only promotes air circulation and ventilation but also fosters a sense of freedom and expansiveness within the living environment. Residents can move freely between rooms and enjoy a sense of fluidity and connectivity throug... Altro

Progetto • By ALTA architectes - urbanistesAlloggio


At Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande, ALTA launches the Aviator. The Rennes-based ALTA agency (Maxime Le Trionnaire and Gwenaël Le Chapelain) has delivered the Aviator, a 52-home (3,462 m2 GFA) program in Saint-Jacques-de-la-Lande (Ille-et-Vilaine), between 2022 and 2024, for Espacil Accession + Espacil Habitat, the contracting authorities. The project is composed of two buildings linked by a planted slab.  CHARLY BROYEZ CHARLY BROYEZ CHARLY BROYEZ CHARLY BROYEZ Located on former army industrial and storage sites in the Mermoz sector of the ZAC la Courrouze (mixed development zone) in the Rennes metropolitan area, the Aviator is a housing development completed by the requalification and redevelopment of the boulevard... Altro

Progetto • By Roberts LimbrickAppartamenti

Central View

Our brief was to design a modern yet affordable later-living development to regenerate a city centre site on Lower Commercial Street in Newport. The aim was to provide quality local homes that would act as a catalyst for wider regeneration. Beccy Lane We worked closely with Pobl, Newport City Council and the Welsh Assembly Government to secure the necessary Vibrant and Viable Places (VVP) funding, which was fundamental in bringing the project onto site. Beccy Lane Beccy Lane The application for VVP funding meant that the scheme had to be technically appraised at the pre-planning stage. This meant that we knew the scheme was deliverable from the planning stage, and we could identify overall project costs. We undertook s... Altro

NotizieNotizie • 29 gen 2024

Active community participation drives the design of a mixed-use neighborhood in Düsseldorf

Nella città tedesca nord-occidentale di Düsseldorf, lo studio internazionale di architettura e urbanistica MVRDV e lo studio di Rotterdam LOLA Landscape Architects stanno lavorando allo sviluppo di un nuovo progetto di edilizia sociale e comunitaria. I piani per il progetto "Grüne Mitte", realizzato per conto del promotore immobiliare Cube Real Estate, si basano sulla partecipazione attiva dei residenti locali. La proposta progettuale prevede 500 nuove abitazioni, metà delle quali saranno case popolari o a prezzi accessibili, oltre a spazi comunitari creati per elevare e rinvigorire l'area. MVRDV Il sito si trova lungo una strada trafficata a Flingern-Süd, un quartiere operaio a est del centro di D&uum... Altro

Progetto • By TAU ArquitetosAlloggio Sociale

Vila Solarium

Located on the outskirts of Bragança Paulista, in the interior of São Paulo State, is the land destined for a project of a multifamily residential complex at an affordable cost. The site has a slope and the presence of natural rocks that limit occupation. Studio Gui Uemura Studio Gui Uemura Studio Gui Uemura In the face of this context, the great challenge was to define the implantation related to the site topography and explore the views of the natural landscape. Therefore, we proposed 12 units whose implantation does not follow the traditional twinned configuration. Instead, we have independent houses on different levels.  Studio Gui Uemura Studio Gui Uemura Studio Gui Uemura The houses h... Altro

Progetto • By MARMOLBRAVOAlloggio Sociale


SFJ6 is a project of 102 dwellings designed to adapt to the complexity of the city, solving several urban problems and generating quality public spaces in its surroundings. The building is integrated into the city as a folded volume that embraces the disparate existing buildings, taking special care of the contact areas and adapting its ground floor to the complex topography of the site in order to generate the greatest points of contact with the city and revitalise the public space. José Hevia José Hevia The folding of its façade, the change of heights and the setback of the last two floors provide urban diversity. In addition, by unifying the window openings, which are perceived larger than they really are,... Altro

Progetto • By LINK ArkitekturCentri Comunitari

Fællesskabets Hus

A space for care and domesticity. Fællesskabets Hus consists of dementia-friendly homes and a shared activity centre. The building is also designed to be a place that engages everyone in the local area and supports the welfare alliances between citizens, organisations and the municipality. Thomas Illemann Fællesskabets Hus consists of 72 homes designed with dementia-friendly architecture. The building also houses community services such as a café, health clinic, administrative facilities, multifunctional hall and production kitchen – all connected to a double-height orangery located at the heart of the building. Thomas Illemann The communityHospitality and domesticity are the focal point of Fælless... Altro

NotizieNotizie • 28 set 2023

Christ & Gantenbein completes its first Parisian project, a social housing complex

Parigi è un mare di gru in questi giorni, con centinaia di progetti infrastrutturali e di ristrutturazione in corso in vista dei Giochi Olimpici del prossimo anno. Contemporaneamente, la città ha avviato ambiziosi programmi di edilizia residenziale per alleviare l'aumento dei costi degli alloggi. Tra queste campagne c'è un accordo firmato con la RATP, l'operatore di trasporto pubblico di proprietà dello Stato che gestisce la rete metropolitana della città, per la creazione di 2.000 unità abitative nella capitale entro il 2024. Florent-Michel Il Vaugirard Social Housing è un progetto di 104 alloggi promosso dalla RATP e progettato dallo studio locale Margot-Duclot Architectes in coll... Altro

Progetto • By ISOPANAlloggio

Torri di Madonna Bianca

A Trento Sud svettano le Torri di Madonna Bianca, il complesso progettato negli anni Settanta dall'Arch. Marcello Armani e dall'Ing. Luciano Perini. 14 condomini su cui, a partire da novembre 2022, è stato avviato un grande progetto di riqualificazione che rappresenta un importante passo nel mondo dell'involucro edilizio residenziale, impegnato in un percorso di transizione energetica. Photo @Flavio Chiesa L’intervento per il rifacimento della facciata delle Torri è stato realizzato impiegando la nuova tecnologia per facciate ADDMIRA fornita da Isopan, il primo cappotto "a secco" studiato appositamente per la riqualificazione degli edifici. Con una doppia finitura esterna, in gres porcellanato in Kerlite (ADDCross)... Altro