

Books are like good friends. And everyone knows good friendships have to be well looked after and nurtured. We at Paschen have remained true to this maxim ever since we began specialising in the construction of top-quality, high-class libraries. And for this reason, here in the Paschen ateliers, we always see to it that our library systems provide an appropriate backcloth for even the greatest works of the world's classic literature. We believe that someone like Goethe, Brecht, Kafka or Grass, most certainly deserve a home that is just as invitingly comfortable as it is practical. We help lovers of literature to arrange their volumes in a tidy and orderly way - so that the books are always ready to hand - and we also provide a worthy setting for their tomes. Paschen - on the one hand we stand for the nurturing of traditional craftsmanship, because after all no tool is as versatile as the human hand, and, on the other, we are constantly exploring every possible avenue in search of even better, even more sophisticated solutions for every little detail. The permanently rising number of Paschen aficionados throughout the world is a clear signal for us that we are on the right trajectory. Whoever invests in a Paschen library today has something for life. And that is true in every respect. Therefore enjoy surfing on our website and feel yourself falling under the very special kind of spell cast by our products.
Paschen オフィス
Paschen Wadersloh
Stromberger Straße 27, Wadersloh, Germany
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