Taller Estilo Arquitectura (Estilo Arquitectura)
Taller Estilo Arquitectura (Estilo Arquitectura)
Taller Estilo Arquitectura (Estilo Arquitectura)

Taller Estilo Arquitectura (Estilo Arquitectura)

Estilo Arquitectura is an architecture studio established on 2004 in the city of Merida. The studio is formed by a group of architects united by a common philosophy: to create spaces for the 21st century culture. The spaces are either new and original creations or the product of recycling existing established structures using a new approach. We believe in architecture as an art-science fusion that is used to create habitats and not only monuments. We work inside a Latin-American context and we believe in using local economic and material resources not as a fashion statement or a passing fad but for their convenience of use and their inherent beauty. We believe that each one of the rough materials we use contain their own unique quality and it is the job and objective of the architect to extract a refined version of this quality and display it as an integral and essential part of the finished product. We create an architecture that is emotionally charged not sensationalist, we want the public to live and experience an architecture that it is not only visual but that is also an architecture that stimulates the 5 senses; we want people to breathe, see, smell and taste our architecture.
Taller Estilo Arquitectura (Estilo Arquitectura) オフィス
Taller Estilo Arquitectura (Estilo Arquitectura) Merida
41 No. 495 entre 58 y 60, Merida, Mexico