Capitão House
Rafaela Netto

Gani side table
Una Sun lounger
Center tableFolio Design
Sides tablesOdara
Raizes Sides tables
Stripes Armchair
Stool in the backyardBoobam
Carpet Kilim livingBy Kamy

Wooding さんの Una Sun lounger, Gani side table
Center table
Folio Design さんの Round
Sides tables
Odara さんの Raizes Sides tables
Prototype さんの Stripes Armchair
Stool in the backyard
Boobam さんの
Carpet Kilim living
By Kamy さんの

Capitão House

Conrado Ceravolo Architects 建築家 として

With the task of creating a new home for a young, dynamic and growing family - the couple is looking forward to the arrival of their second child - the São Paulo office Conrado Ceravolo commissioned the renovation of Capitão House. The address, close to Avenida Rebouças, one of São Paulo's main and busiest avenues, needed to be as cozy as possible to accommodate the family's intense routine, especially with their newest member. 

photo_credit Rafaela Netto
Rafaela Netto
photo_credit Rafaela Netto
Rafaela Netto

Respecting the original design of the two-storey house, the front has undergone an aesthetic makeover. The brown corten portico that frames the windows of the master bedroom, previously covered by foliage, has regained its place of prominence. The element has restored the house's identity and guided decisions that reinforce the new atmosphere of the property, such as changing the accesses to a more functional layout.

photo_credit Rafaela Netto
Rafaela Netto
photo_credit Rafaela Netto
Rafaela Netto

Architect: Conrado Ceravolo
Photography: Rafaela Netto 

photo_credit Rafaela Netto
Rafaela Netto
photo_credit Rafaela Netto
Rafaela Netto

Material used:
1. Stool in the backyard: Boobam – Solka design
2. Chairs in the backyard: Dpot
3. Sofá and dining table chair: Casa Umma
4. Dining tablet chandelier: Lumini
5. Bedroom chandelier: Reka
6. Carpet Kilim living: ByKamy
7. Center table “Round”: Folio Design
8. Sun lounger “Una” and side table“Gani”: Wooding
9. Armchair “Stripes” living: Prototype
10. Sides tables “Raizes” living: Odara
11. Decorations furniture: Dpot objetos e Madeira e Linha
12. Paitings: Papel Assinado

photo_credit Rafaela Netto
Rafaela Netto


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