An editor from MDR and SWR commutes between Freiburg and Leipzig. She acquires a 13 m² small flat with a balcony in a Wilhelminian-style backyard building in Paul-List-Straße in Leipzig. The existing building, a former wash house, was converted into a one-room apartment in the early 90s. converted into a one-room flat in the early 1990s. The tubular floor plan, which is only two metres wide, and the poor renovation poor refurbishment of the post-reunification period make the room appear dark and not very cosy.
The owner approached us with the wish to create a high-quality living and sleeping area as well as an inviting sanitary situation. Based on the client's specifications and models from the metropolis of Paris, where Aline Hielscher lived for ten years, we developed a customised solution was developed for the project. The result is a multifunctional piece of furniture made from pinewood, which serves as storage space, bed, sofa and kitchen, as well as a bright bathroom a bright bathroom with modern sanitaryware - and an overjoyed client.