Renovation for the Kims
Manuel Sá

Renovation for the Kims

oitentaedois 建築家 として

Apartment renovationin Mooca neighborhood, located in the city of São Paulo - Brazil originally designed by the Brazilian architect David Libeskind, in the 60`s. We were commissioned by a grandfather and grandmother to renovate the apartment where they raised their children for more than 35 years. The apartment had received many small modifications throughout the decades resulting in a space without coherence, as it is common to many Brazilian homes. Since the children had now grown up and left home, the couple wished that the apartment could be remodeled so they could live their old years and to enjoy the visit of their grandchildren.


The project was a long process of reflection with the clients that went on for about 4 years from the first drafts until the conclusion of the renovation. We took advantage of the fact that there is only one beam crossing the apartment to create a wide-open space, and the layout was though to create a comfortable space for the couple and to receive the visit of the whole family.


The dining table, also traditionally used for studying, playing and talking was positioned in the center of the apartment while the other rooms were organized around it. After the renovation was finished, the couple remarked that the higher presence of natural light, ventilation and the wider view of the city`s skyline brings them a feeling of calm and lightness. The process of developing the project also helped the clients to rethink their own way of living towards a life with less material assets. This wish that they had served as a guide to all decisions made in the project.


Material Used :
1. Reka – Lighting - various
2. Fernando Jaeger – New Furniture - various
3. Jorge Zalszupin– Dinner table – Dinner Table
4. Woodwork – Visual Móbile
5. Grantec Marmoraria – Kitchen table top – Itaúnas Stone
6. Fernando Jaeger – Carpet–Tapete Barrado
7. Deca – Plumbing Fixtures – Izy Collection
8. Eliane – Ceramic tiles – Metro White


Ceramic tiles – Metro WhiteEliane
Furniture, Carpet–Tapete BarradoFernando Jaeger
Plumbing Fixtures – Izy CollectionDeca
Ceramic tiles – Metro White
Eliane さんの
Furniture, Carpet–Tapete Barrado
Fernando Jaeger さんの
Plumbing Fixtures – Izy Collection
Deca さんの
Reka さんの
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