Aluinvent に関するプロジェクト、製品、独占記事の概要
Hatteland Technology - Aksdal
Aksdalbygget (Aksdal Building), is the new exclusive headquarter for Hatteland on the west coast of Norway. It is a building with very high environmental credentials. The building encorporates significant energy saving systems and creates a low carbon footprint. To achieve this goal Aluinvent was the natural decision as a facade material to adorn this building.
Aluinvent ZRT
Aluinvent ZRT
Collaboration with our local partner RA Aluminium and the architects at Holon, allowed them further developed the Aluinvent concept to include rib elements specially shaped for the building. The rib elements allow for the play of light in as the sun tracks east to west across the sky in this open harsh landscape.
Aluinvent ZRT
For the corn... もっと見る
Budapest underground - sound absorbing walls
Aluinvent's LO2 (two side open) panels were applied to the entire legth of the platforms at Corvin-Negyed Station in Budapest, a length of 125m on both sides. The panels serve a dual purpose, both aesthetic and functional, providing a unique decorative element and also functioning as part of a noise reduction system to make the station as silent as possible.
Prior to construction lab tests were conducted to establish the sound dampening properties of the panels. Tests showed the panels were twice as effective at reducing sound than originally required by the client.
Aluinvent panels are made from 90% recycled materials in a manufacturing facility run entirely by renewable energy which helped the project... もっと見る
プロジェクト • にAluinvent • スポーツセンター
DVTK Arena
Aluinvent collaborated with Kingspan to deliver a 2000m2 facade to the DVTK multifunction sports complex. Aluinvent’s LO & LO2 panels provided a bold finished aesthetic, mounted on a console railing system fixed directly to the Kingspan sandwich panels. The two products compliment each other providing excellent thermal efficiency for the building. The finished facade is continuous and unbroken. This is thanks to the use of Aluinvent’s LO2 panels which allow light and air to penetrate through the open celled structure without having to cut large voids to accommodate window cavities and venting outlets.