Architecture in brazil

architecture in brazil に関するプロジェクト、製品、独占記事の概要

プロジェクト • にTAU Arquitetos社会住宅

Vila Solarium

Located on the outskirts of Bragança Paulista, in the interior of São Paulo State, is the land destined for a project of a multifamily residential complex at an affordable cost. The site has a slope and the presence of natural rocks that limit occupation. Studio Gui Uemura Studio Gui Uemura Studio Gui Uemura In the face of this context, the great challenge was to define the implantation related to the site topography and explore the views of the natural landscape. Therefore, we proposed 12 units whose implantation does not follow the traditional twinned configuration. Instead, we have independent houses on different levels.  Studio Gui Uemura Studio Gui Uemura Studio Gui Uemura The houses h... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にTAU Arquitetos展示会

Oblique Pavillion

The Oblique Pavilion is an ephemeral space, configured in a 12x9 area, located between three access streets at an event fair. The proposal arises from this challenge: to design a pavilion without pre-established facades, that could dialog with all its views, as well as allow fluidity on all sides. Studio Gui Uemura Studio Gui Uemura Studio Gui Uemura Because of this, the design is defined by the sum of angles and organic lines, which provides fluidity to a space that would be constantly busy on event days and also favors the sectoring of the program. Studio Gui Uemura Studio Gui Uemura Studio Gui Uemura In a single, closed volume at the back of the pavilion, we concentrate the entire administrative and servic... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にKruchin Arquitetura都市緑地

Rancho da Maioridade and Padrão Lorena

Rancho da Maioridade and Padrão Lorena, located near the old Caminhos do Mar, have undergone an intervention by Kruchin Arquitetura and are now obligatory stops for visitors.   Daniel Ducci Daniel Ducci Daniel Ducci São Paulo, 2023 – Located near the old Caminhos do Mar, a historic route that linked the coast to the Brazilian plateau, Rancho da Maioridade and the Padrão Lorena have been restored by Kruchin Arquitetura, which has transformed them into a belvedere and a café, providing a must-see stop for visitors exploring the mountainous region, often shrouded in dense fog. These monuments are part of a set of eight artworks commemorating the centenary of Brazil's independence in 1... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にBOLO arquitetos民家

AGUÁ House

The conception of the project began with an analysis of the location. The 100m² plot of land located on Praia do Capricórnio in Caraguatatuba is part of a subdivision dating back to the mid-1970s and the clients' main intention was to create a new summer house on land that had been in the family for decades. Alberto Ricci Alberto Ricci Our mission was to solve pre-existing features in order to make a house for weekends that would be a meeting point for the whole family, with comfort and practical maintenance. With this in mind, the entire house was designed in reinforced concrete, with its structure designed to interfere minimally with the layout of the spaces. We chose to leave a large part of the structure exposed,... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にPitá Arquitetura事務所

Music and Technology

What could be the perfect meaning of being part of the context of where you are? In this case, a different city, in a different country with an even more different culture. It was our goal when conceiving this project, to make people comfortable and connected within the place they are at. Renato Navarro The office is the new home of an European music streaming company across the ocean, in São Paulo, Brazil. We needed to create a connection between the office and the city, but it could not be obvious. It is in one of the most important addresses of São Paulo, right behind the famous Paulista Ave, in a brand-new modern building with a stunning view of the entire city. Renato Navarro The company’s DNA exiles art... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にSAINZ arquiteturaアパート

Cobertura Bloco B

The "Cobertura Bloco B" is a complete and radical renovation project of a luxury duplex apartment located in Brasília, Brazil. This elegant space has been adapted to meet the needs of a young couple with two daughters. Denilson Machado Denilson Machado Denilson Machado Our proposal prioritizes the functional distribution of the spaces, establishing a clear transition between private, semi-private, and social areas. On the ground floor, the master suite stands out, featuring a spacious closet and a complete bathroom with a bathtub, along with two suites for the daughters and a guest suite. To promote interaction among the residents, we have created an office with a cozy TV room that connects all the bedrooms. A corrido... もっと見る

ニュースニュース • 29 Sep 2023

25 best architecture firms in Brazil

文化、多様性、活気、革新がダイナミックに融合するブラジルの建築は、広大な自然景観と伝統、移民の影響、モダニズムを織り交ぜている。緑豊かなアマゾンの熱帯雨林にある先住民の住居から、リオデジャネイロの賑やかな公道、サンパウロの洗練された建物まで、ブラジルの建築は多面的な特徴を備えている。ブラジルの建築景観の中核をなすのは、土着のコミュニティと、ポルトガル、アフリカ、移民の様式の影響を受けた植民地時代の建築に由来する土着建築の宝庫である。この時代の名残は、オウロ・プレトやサルバドールといった魅力的な植民地時代の町に今も残っており、精巧な教会や鮮やかな色彩の建物が、ヨーロッパ時代の面影を今に伝えている。 しかし20世紀になると、オスカー・ニーマイヤーやルシオ・コスタといった先見の明のある建築家たちがモダニズムを取り入れ、ブラジルの建築に新たな光が差し込んだ。しなやかな曲線と鉄筋コンクリートの大胆な使用を特徴とするニーマイヤーの前衛的なデザインは、ブラジルに国際的な称賛をもたらした。 現在のブラジルの建築家たちは、このモダニズムの遺産を、ミニマリズム、革新性、そして国の豊富な天然資源に対応したエコ・コンシャスなデザインを称賛する現代的な言葉で受け継いでいる。土着素材の探求から、社会住宅への取り組み、伝統的な建築技術の復興まで、以下のリストは、現在進行中の建築ルネッサンスの一翼を担う25の建築事務所のセレクションである。   André Scarpa 1. studio mk27 サンパウロの賑やかな大都市に位置するスタジオMK27は、著名な建築家マルシオ・コーガンによって1970年代後半に設立された。現在、この革新的な事務所は、40... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にFGMFアパート

POD Building

In a corner between a busy Brazilian avenue and a street, the POD puts itself aware of its impact in the urban landscape. As a result of municipal laws, the neighborhood surroundings, its location and the land's format, its volumetry rises from a big internal void of unusual and interesting proportions, the bright red courtyard. Fran Parente The resulting space, activated by the stores facing inside and outside the building, joined to an opening facing north which allows sunlight to enter through the day, is the stage to a big variety of events and the relationship between pedestrians and the building, joins itself to the local scale and opens itself to the active urban space. Open circulations like footbridges around the tree tops he... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にRoca展示室

Roca São Paulo Gallery

Fernanda Marques’ elegant design of the Roca São Paulo Gallery is poised to emerge as a prominent landmark on the São Paulo design scene, promising to foster conversations with professionals and society about architecture, design, innovation and sustainability. The grand inauguration of Roca São Paulo Gallery took place on September 15th, 2023. With this ambitious space located on the elegant Avenida Brasil, Roca expands its international network of galleries and reinforces its position as a world leader. Designed by Brazilian architect Fernanda Marques, Roca São Paulo Gallery promises an immersive experience for both society and the visionary minds of architects and designers. Caption Caption C... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にarchi.labアパート


Designed to be the new home of a young lawyer, the walls that divided the 52.00 m²  apartment were removed to make room for the new layout that is divided into: home office, living room, balcony, dining room, kitchen, and bedroom. “When you have a small footage, every inch matters”. Isabela Mayer Isabela Mayer The starting point of the FC apartment was undoubtedly the redistribution of the layout. Caption Caption “How many functions can you add in the same environment? We had the challenge of adding a living room, balcony, home office, dining and making it all work together in the same social area.” Caption Caption The door that gave access to the bedroom was relocated to th... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にPJV Arquiteturaアパート

Ed. Residencial H1

The Residential Building H1 is located in Balneário Piçarras city in the northern seashore of Santa Catarina State.  The building consists of a free ground floor under pilotis, where garages are located as well as the vertical circulation. There are other three pavements where six residential apartments are distributed. Alexandre Zelinski Alexandre Zelinski The land of 250 m2 chosen is located in the center of the city. It has 12,5m of front and 20m length. The architectural plan explores the local landscape, so that all apartments have a view of the sea. Alexandre Zelinski Alexandre Zelinski Aiming at qualifyingc the city´s space, the project does not include the construction of a wall in line... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にStudio KUNZ民家

Trapezium House

Located in a small town in the south of Brazil, Trapezium House (Casa Trapézios) is inserted in an urban edge, surrounded by an idyllic landscape formed by araucaria trees crowning its roof.  The site, a high plateau with a trapezoidal shape, was chosen to host the program: a single-storey house for a young couple who have a close relationship with life in the countryside.  Ezequiele Panizzi Ezequiele Panizzi The formal essence of the house is a reinterpretation of the gabled roof archetype, deconstructed to form two juxtaposed trapezoidal sections. One of these sections is projected onto a rectangle extended to the edge of the site, while the other, set back, houses the main entrance accessed by a staircase.&nb... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にarchi.lab展示室

Folio Concept Store

“The best ideas are born on blank canvas, and that's how Folio was born,” describe the architects Maira Rossi and Karen Felix. Isabela Mayer Isabela Mayer Focused on the contemporary lifestyle with the concept of living with more identity, the curation developed by lab.o, our laboratory that creates experiences for brands, translates the identity of an attuned public that materializes in: architecture, design, interiors, furniture, and objects that complete our design concept store. Isabela Mayer Isabela Mayer The concept store brings a new way of communicating with the public. Through a dynamic retail experience, the design of the store allows an immersion of the products through the proposed scenarios tha... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にTAU Arquitetos民家

Axial House

Situated in a countryside São Paulo condominium, the Axial House embraces its corner lot and fosters a harmonious connection with the surroundings.The irregular terrain shape guided the design axes, resulting in a three-story, 450m² residence. Upon entering, an internal open patio welcomes visitors, integrating the garden and filling the space with natural light. Carefully positioned after the entrance, the staircase leads to the intimate upper floor and the social areas on the first floor. The house takes advantage of small variations in the topography, offering transparency, luminosity, and picturesque views. Manuel Sá Manuel Sá The social programs, including the living room and kitchen, benefit from c... もっと見る

ニュースニュース • 9 Aug 2023

Onze 22 emerges as a tree-like edifice in São Paulo

French-Brazilian architectural studio Triptyque has completed work on Onze 22, a residential tower in São Paulo, Brazil. The building’s design comprises a series of overlapping and suspended slabs, interspersed with glass walls, and presents a contrast to the classic tower blocks found throughout São Paulo. Maíra Acayaba and Edu Castello Onze 22 sits amidst São Paulo’s vast urban fabric, its fluid interior–exterior plan framing 360-degree views of the city. Triptyque designed the building in a manner that “invites users to relate to the city [where] the view composes the spaces as if it were part of the decoration.” Gui Sibaud, a founding partner of Triptyque, says: “... もっと見る