Low carbon

low carbon に関するプロジェクト、製品、独占記事の概要

ニュースニュース • 10 Apr 2024

Knox Bhavan reimagines challenging London brownfield site as contemporary low-carbon home

London-based architectural practice Knox Bhavan designed Threefold House, a new residential property in Teddington, south-west London. The low-carbon house is constructed on a brownfield site in a built-up area that was previously occupied by a disused warehouse. The contemporary home includes three courtyards and sits on a challenging 450-square-meter (4,844-square-feet) triangular plot, surrounded by other properties and a small car park. Edmund Sumner Caption The name Threefold House is a reference to the building’s “origami-inspired assemblage of geometrical planes,” explains Knox Bhavan. The site is bounded by a new 2.5-meter-high (8-feet-high) perimeter wall that recalls the former warehouse wall.... もっと見る

ニュース建物の革新 • 24 Oct 2023

Low-carbon recycled brick developed for expansion of Design Museum Gent, Belgium

A low-carbon brick made from recycled municipal waste has been developed for the construction of a new wing for the Design Museum Gent (DING), Belgium, a project currently under construction with a completion date anticipated in 2024. DING is a regional museum in Flanders dedicated to the Belgian national collection of ‘design culture’. The institution is located in the city’s historic center and adjacent to an UNESCO World Heritage Site. The museum is currently accommodated within a collection of listed buildings dating from 1755. It is undertaking this project for an additional 1980 square meter wing to house galleries and event spaces for expanded cultural programming and visitor outreach. The extension will form a mis... もっと見る

ニュースニュース • 22 May 2023

Holcim + Norman Foster Foundation unveil homes for displaced people in the Venice Architecture Biennale

ヴェネチアでの第 18 回建築ビエンナーレを機に、ホルシム財団とノーマン・フォスター財団はエッセンシャル ホーム研究プロジェクトを開始します。この住宅コンセプトは、安全、快適さ、福祉の必要なニーズを提供する、仮設居住地での長年の生活に慣れている避難民コミュニティのためにノーマン・フォスターによって設計されました @Chiara Becattini ノーマン・フォスター財団理事長のノーマン・フォスター氏は次のように述べています。ヴェネツィア・ビエンナーレでは、このアイデアに関する進行中の作業を展示します。ホルシムと協力した数か月にわたる集中的な活動の成果です。」 ホルシムは、一連の持続可能な建築ソリューションを使用して住宅のプロトタイプを実行し、エネルギー効率が高く、低炭素で循環型となり、すべての人にとって持続可能なモデルの可能性を示しました。 @chiarabecattini   @chiarabecattini 自然災害または人為的災害によって避難した人々のために設計されたこの住宅は、建設プロセスをスピードアップするために現場で建設できると同時に、一時的な避難所に代わる耐久性のある代替手段を提供します。設計されたプロトタイプは非常に持続可能で、従来の建物よりも CO2 排出量が 70% 削減されています。低炭素、エネルギー効率が高く、循環型であり、ホルシムのさまざまな持続可能な建築ソリューションが組み込まれています。 @Mika Cartier_Empty 物質性と機能性の観点から、エッセンシャル ホームは、外部シェルとして機能し、物理的安全性を提供する低炭素の巻き取り可能なコンクリ... もっと見る

ニュース詳細 • 20 Apr 2023

Detail: Engineered timber structure of The Black & White Building

Andrew Waugh と Anthony Thistleton によって 1997 年に設立されたWaugh Thistleton Architects は、思慮深く持続可能な建築とデザインを生み出すロンドンを拠点とする事務所です。人工木材の使用におけるリーダーであるこの慣行は、この分野でうらやましい評判を築いてきました。ウォー・シスルトン・アーキテクツは、当初から新しく革新的な建築方法を開発することに強い関心を持っていました。その最初のクロス積層木材 (CLT) プロジェクトは 2003 年に実現しました。最新のThe Black & White Building は、20 年後の 2023 年 1 月に正式にオープンしました。 Ed Reeve アンドリュー・ウォーとの会話の中で、この建築家は達成感を持って次のように説明しています。ウォー・シスルトン・アーキテクツでは、発明の精神が旺盛であると同時に、学習が重要であるという認識があります。木造建築と通常の建築との違いを理解することです」とウォー氏は言います。 Ed Reeve 「充足のアーキテクチャ」 The Black & White Building のクライアントであるThe Office Group (TOG) は、Waugh Thistleton にワークプレイス デザインへの新しいアプローチを模索するように命じました。 「十分な建築」がプロジェクトの中心でした。ここでは、すべての要素が目的を果たすように、できるだけ効率的かつ持続的に設計され、不必要な建築上の繁栄はありませんでした。イベント スペース、屋上テラス、ラウンジ、会議室など、柔軟な共有ワーク... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にAluinventスポーツセンター

DVTK Arena

Aluinvent collaborated with Kingspan to deliver a 2000m2 facade to the DVTK multifunction sports complex. Aluinvent’s LO & LO2 panels provided a bold finished aesthetic, mounted on a console railing system fixed directly to the Kingspan sandwich panels. The two products compliment each other providing excellent thermal efficiency for the building. The finished facade is continuous and unbroken. This is thanks to the use of Aluinvent’s LO2 panels which allow light and air to penetrate through the open celled structure without having to cut large voids to accommodate window cavities and venting outlets. Caption Caption Caption Caption Caption もっと見る

プロジェクト • にAluinvent展示会

2019 S/Alon BMW Wallis Exhibition

At the 2019 S/Alon design fair, we were invited to take part in the development of the lighting installation wall for BMW Wallis. The team was commissioned to create a design for an aluminium foam panel wall decoration which could be backlit. Part of the brief was to hide all wall fixings and joints to create a truly unified fully seamless wall piece. During construction, we used screws to fix the Aluminium foam facade to the console-railing system. The flexibility of the console-railing system enabled us to easily adjust it to the interior wall dimensions. This allowed us to complete the installation in a limited time span. The desired lighting effect was achieved by the installation of RGB LED strip lights, which could later be modified t... もっと見る

製品情報 • にAluinventLO2 - INTERIOR


The LO2 - Interior collection from Aluinvent is a high end interior decorative wall solution manufactured from 90% recycled Aluminium with open cell structure to both sides. The void:solid ratio of our LO2 panels is approx 30%. LO2 - Interior panels come in mill finish and coloured options and are suitable for a wide range of interior applications with A1 & A2 fire ratings. The LO2 - Interior collection is particularly suited to applications such as decorative and feature walls, interior partitions and showcase exhibition designs. The panels can easily be form part of interior lighting design solutions. Caption Aluinvent LO2 - Interior panels meet all the challenges and requirements to provide a safe, long-lasting and inovative in... もっと見る

製品情報 • にAluinventLO - Interior

LO - Interior

The LO- Interior collection from Aluinvent is a high end interior decorative wall solution manufactured from 90% recycled Aluminium with open cell structure to one side. The void:solid ratio of our LO panels is approx 30%. LO2 panels come in mill finish and coloured options and are suitable for a wide range of interior applications with A1 & A2 fire ratings. The LO collection is particularly suited to applications such as decorative and feature walls, interior partitions and showcase exhibition designs. The panels can easily be form part of interior lighting design solutions. Aluinvent LO - Interior panels meet all the challenges and requirements to provide a safe, long-lasting and inovative interior decorative wall solutions. Little t... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にAluinvent発電所

Virovitica Biomass Power Station

Aluinvent LO & LO2 panels and sub-structure create the facade for this landmark Biomass Power Plant in Virovitica, Croatia. 1600 square metres of panels in a range of green shades  respond to the sustainable nature of the green energy produced by the facility. The design incorporates LO2 panels at strategic locations that allow light to penetrate, illuminating parts of the building’s interior. The LO2 panels simultaneously allow excess heat to escape through designated venting points whilst maintaining a constant unbroken facade. The use of Aluinvent’s recycled facade panels contributed to the facility being built in accordance with the Sustainable Development Policy of The Republic of Croatia and The EU. Caption... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にAteliers A+中学校

Port Marianne secondary school

Awarded Occitanie sustainable building label, Port Marianne secondary school embodies the challenges of our time. At the heart of a district undergoing an urban reconfiguration, the site has become an exemplary, virtuous and evolving environmental marker, responding to the present and future needs of all users. Adrien Guitard  The modular part of the general teaching building is built on a high base made of low-carbon concrete and is made of wood for the frame and facing, and of biosourced insulation.  Douglas fir, a local wood from the Gard region, is used on the majority of the façades, while the timber-framed walls and the staff accommodation, made of modular wood, are made of spruce from the Cévennes. The... もっと見る

プロジェクト • にatelierjones民家


CLTHouse is a modest single family house for a family of four in urban Seattle. Situated on a small, leftover 2,500 sf triangular lot, the house negotiates between an oversized alley and rear bank parking lot, and an established neighborhood near Lake Washington. The materiality of the house recalls ubiquitous small Pacific Northwest beach cabins, as well as specifics of the site: once a beach itself, under 9’ of water in 1916. The house explores the dialogue between a blackened wood exterior, opening up to a whitened cross-laminated-timber (CLT) interior left raw, lightly whitewashed. Washed in light, textures and smells of natural materials, and to be surrounded in green, the house requires a tiny, vertical central service core. Channel... もっと見る



INEX>WALLBAORD is a revolutionary, low carbon, high strength, yet lightweight cement based exterior wall cladding suitable for both residential and commercial applications. Currently only available in 12mm thickness.INEX>WALLBOARD comes with both arrised and recessed edges to suit different joint setting requirements. The smooth side of INEX>WALLBOARD provides a superior surface finish for paint applications or can also be finished in its beautiful raw from by applying a clear sealer MATERIALINEX>WALLBOARD is an advanced high strength and fire reinforced Engineered Cemetitious Composite (ECC) product, containing 60% of post-industrial recycled materialsLOW CARBONINEX>WALLBOARD is a low carbon product containing about 40% of t... もっと見る