Mark Studholme
Mark Studholme
  • ブランドについて
  • Studholmes Chartered Surveyors
  • UNStudio
  • Sabago Vastgoed
  • +8

Mark Studholme

As Editor-in-Chief of my responsibilities lie in managing the following company departments: content, marketing, editorial and design. I also work with the sites programmers to improve user experience Archello’s capabilities.

My passion for buildings came from an early age. As a kid I could often be found playing in the sand on a construction site, whilst my father took levels. I will always remember my first trip to Barcelona and visiting Gaudis La Sagrida Familia, I developed a slight wobble in the legs.

From there on I graduated from Nottingham Trent University with a degree in Urban Planning and Property Development. I have experience as a planner, surveyor and project manager. Even in my spare time I find myself working as a builder. Sustainable architecture is important to me and I wait for the day a building achieves full LEED, BREEAM and Cradle 2 Cradle.

I hope you enjoy all what Archello has to offer. If you have any questions about Archello I would love to hear them.