
Hickory Group als Aannemers

41X, the new headquarters for the Australian Institute of Architects Victorian Division, is the first commercial office building in Melbourne to target carbon neutrality over its 30 year operating lifespan.

It has also achieved a 5-star Green Star design rating.

The 21 level building (plus basement) has been designed by renowned architects Lyons, who together with Hickory were responsible for achieving the environmental ratings through its systems, sustainable building materials, waste management and transport strategies.

INITIATIVES • Unique external precast concrete panels of complex geometry integrated with high performance glazing as part of a complete energy efficientfa cade system • Bubbledeck precast floor panels and precast concrete columns reduced the need for formwork, and maximised construction speed as an example of prefabricated construction efficiency • Low temperature VAV system tuned for optimal operational performance thorugh extensive energy and daylight modelling • Custom-designed components in the protection screen to navigate the perimeter of the intricate façade • Facade also incorporates unique “bite” shapes of faceted green anodised aluminium supported by structural steel with a marine grade ply substrate, some of which shelter and delineate terrace areas

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