Estudio Basalto
Rafael Gamo
Product specificatie overzicht

ElementBedrijf Product Name
Interior FurnitureCasa Quieta
Melamine BeamsARAUCO
Nogal Terracota
Porcelain Tile FloorFirenze World
Ethereal Mood White
Interior FurnitureKnoll
Interior FurnitureBLU DOT
Interior FurnitureHerman Miller

Product specificatie overzicht
Interior Furniture
Melamine Beams
Nogal Terracota by ARAUCO
Porcelain Tile Floor
Ethereal Mood White by Firenze World
Interior Furniture
by Knoll
Interior Furniture
Interior Furniture

Estudio Basalto

FACI LEBOREIRO als Architecten

Solid and void, light and shadow, volumes of stone that float at a constant rhythm and discover spaces that inspire confidence, experience, formality and strength, values of this law firm, which is run by a couple who love their profession. This Office was designed by Faci Leboreiro Arquitectura.

photo_credit Rafael Gamo
Rafael Gamo
photo_credit Rafael Gamo
Rafael Gamo

The curved forms that were generated in the library space were a great challenge in terms of design and execution, bringing them to reality required the effort and technology of all the artisans involved in the process.

photo_credit Rafael Gamo
Rafael Gamo
photo_credit Rafael Gamo
Rafael Gamo

The key challenges were creating a volumetric and plastic office, with a solid statement that spoke about the values of security, trust and experience of this firm. 
 In specific the cylindrical red library was a challenge to design and execute because it was all handmade and we needed to match and coordinate every team involved: blacksmith, millwork, windows, lightning, drywalls and painters, and upholstery. 
At Archello we focus on the materialization of buildings. 

photo_credit Rafael Gamo
Rafael Gamo
photo_credit Rafael Gamo
Rafael Gamo

We chose materials that helped us express our concept which was creating a space that reflected the values of this firm which consist of security, trust and experience.


Architects: Faci Leboreiro

Photographer: Rafael Gamo 

photo_credit Rafael Gamo
Rafael Gamo
photo_credit Rafael Gamo
Rafael Gamo

Materials Used:

Flooring: Porcelain Tile, Ethereal Mood White, Firenze & Wood Floor, Hoebeek Blanck, Les Terres
Doors: Walnut Wood, Handmade Millwork
Roofing: Melamine Beams, Nogal Terracota, Arauco
Walls: Fluted Basaltine, Stone gallery
Interior Lighting: Assorted 
Interior furniture:  Knoll, Herman Miller, Blu dot, West Elm, Casa Quieta

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