Iowa City Public Works
Integrated Studio
Product specificatie overzicht

ElementBedrijf Product Name
Roofing panelsCENTRIA Architectural Systems
Wall SystemCPI Daylighting
Door HardwareASSA ABLOY nv
SG5000 ULPHörmann KG Verkaufsgesellschaft
Roof Joist and DeckingNew Millennium Building Systems

Product specificatie overzicht
Roofing panels
Wall System
UniQuad® by CPI Daylighting
Door Hardware
Roof Joist and Decking

Iowa City Public Works

Neumann Monson Architects als Architecten

This project represents the ambitious first step in a 14-acre master plan to consolidate and upgrade a scattered set of aging municipal operations. The predominately concrete structure houses the Streets and Water Departments along with their associated vehicles and equipment. Program includes shop space, large-scale storage, mezzanine storage with elevator and forklift access, a fire training tower, fire pump truck training, police and fire storage, and vehicle/equipment wash bays.


The facility’s east facade faces a residential neighborhood across an arterial just south of downtown. It sets an edge condition for the well-trafficked bike trail that links recreational grounds to the north and south, establishing a civic presence and measured cadence that belies the rough and tumble flexibility that it accommodates deeper into the site.  


Projecting windows modulate the structure’s scale and provide dynamic exterior lighting at night. The diffuse daylight that they admit during work hours—combined with 40 skylights as well as translucent polycarbonate walls on the north and south facades—provides a superior work environment and lends operational efficiencies. The west façade provides vehicular access to services including shops and wash bays. A 12-foot canopy provides outdoor cover for materials storage.


The building’s volumetric aspect ratio enables the mechanical system to heat and cool efficiently. The structure’s 50-foot module anticipates future additions and modifications. Material choices are highly durable, easily maintained, and cost effective. The building’s anticipated LEED Gold certification furthers the city’s commitment to carbon neutrality as they deliver vital public services from this facility.


Material Used :
1. CPI Daylighitng - UniQuad
2. Assa Abloy - Door Hardware
3. Hormann - SG5000 ULP
4. Centria - SRS 3
5. New Millennium Building Systems - Roof Joist and Decking

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