Home and art gallery. The two architectural programmes coexist and complement one another in this elegant São Paulo apartment designed by Fernanda Marques. "Art and design are two inseparable aspects in the routine of the couple who own it”, explains the architect, who undertook the mission to create the conditions to house a modern private collection while keeping the setting appropriate for a home. “They entertain a lot, hence the need to integrate the living space for them to gather their friends and enjoy all the spaces”, explains Fernanda. The living-room layout was thought out so as to link all the areas, creating the possibility of turning it into a large hall for dinners, parties with friends but in which the couple would feel comfortable in their day-to-day life. Prioritising a good articulation among the other spaces, the original 4 suites were turned into 3. One of the bedrooms was opened up to the living area, integrating the home theatre into it. The remaining bathroom was connected to the master suite, so that the suite now comprises two bathrooms. The glazed terrace doors, when open, create full continuity from the dining to the living area. In that corner, a fireplace and LCD display provide the perfect setting for the couple to enjoy the superb views while watching a film or having a glass of wine. The lighting was treated with special care. “We chose an integrated system, to make the most of mixed light effects: direct, indirect, directional, natural", explains the architect. "We can create several different automated scenes: from an intimist mood to full light, when the terrace curtains are open", she says. As a feature element, the whole of the main wall was clad in Corten steel, a material of brutalist origins which, in addition to adding a touch of age to the wall, embraces part of the home theatre and the dining-room, visually linking the two areas. The front door, the guest toilet door and the wine cellar door were also clad in that, and so are “camouflaged” into the wall, suggesting a continuous panel, positioned all the way along the length of the apartment. With a predominance of light shades, ranging from sand to ivory in the furniture and coverings, the proposed floor, made from “tauari” wood, acts as a counterpoint, warming up the setting. This is also what the many design pieces do in completing the décor. Strategically selected, in vibrant colours
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