The Tuesday Agency
Cameron Campbell Integrated Studio
Product specificatie overzicht

ElementBedrijf Product Name
FabrikantAnne Linde ApS
#303 Aged CopperChemetal
Char Beetle Kill, Smoke, ShiplapDelta Millworks
Palma, Color: EbonyHygge & West
Tarantella, North American White OakreSAWN TIMBER co.
Straight Baffle, Color: Matte GrayTurf

Product specificatie overzicht
#303 Aged Copper
Char Beetle Kill, Smoke, Shiplap
Palma, Color: Ebony
Tarantella, North American White Oak
Straight Baffle, Color: Matte Gray
by Turf

The Tuesday Agency

Neumann Monson Architects als Architecten

The Tuesday Agency is a full-service lecture agency that represents a premier group of professional authors, journalists, historians, artists, and scholars and connects them to audiences all over the world where their voices can have the greatest impact.  Located in Iowa City, Iowa, the agency has an international reach befitting of their designation as UNESCO’s first City of Literature in the world.


The owners wanted the design to reinforce their important mission while injecting eclectic whimsy with a strong sense of quality.


Visitors are greeted by a dark, cozy, library displaying books by authors the agency represents. The room sets a professional yet playful tone that is carried forward. A copper clad portal opens into a bright, multi-functional “living room” where the agency co-works, entertains, and records their video interview series. New and vintage furnishings and fixtures were carefully curated to coexist. An over-sized archway partially veils a collection of private offices, providing a sense of separation while maintaining flow throughout. The flavor-forward material palette includes copper, blackened steel, charred beetle-kill pine, and concrete with oak and felt ceilings. The resultant bricolage is a haven for inquisitive minds and lively conversations that result in global impact.


Material Used :
1. Delta Millwork - Char Beetle Kill, Smoke, Shiplap
2. Turf - Straight Baffle, Color: Matte Gray
3. Chemetal - #303 Aged Copper
4. reSAWN Timber Co – Tarantella, North American White Oak
5. Hygge & West – Palma, Color: Ebony

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