Cushing Terrell


Cushing Terrell als Architecten

A new upscale café and retail experience in Indianapolis brings the city an exciting twist on a community hub. UpMarket combines retail and café spaces within a multi-story, mixed-use building to create a lively gathering place. The idea proved popular, and as the market laid plans to expand, they sought a consultant who could help them develop their brand and implement it into the bourgeoning business via architecture and aesthetics. 

With a focus on values such as healthy and fresh offerings, international selections, and a vibrant social atmosphere, Cushing Terrell helped translate those themes into a cohesive concept design package that embodies a classic yet modern style.  

To address this project’s multi-scope needs, we drew on our talent pool from architecture, interior design, food and beverage establishment design, and graphic design. We worked with the client on the concept development, brand identity, and customer experience. These elements were then articulated through furniture, décor, finishes, light fixtures, wayfinding, and signage. The Cushing Terrell team integrated UpMarket’s brand into documents that the architect of record can use for permitting current and future locations.  

The result for UpMarket is a unique brand that expresses their values, interiors that embody their upscale intentions, and a template for growth.


Cushing Terrell services

Conceptual Design

Graphic Design



Cushing Terrell

photo_credit Cushing Terrell
Cushing Terrell
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