Permanent coexistence and speed in the flow of information. These are the key elements in the interior design project conducted by architect Fernanda Marques, the goal of which was to optimize the hectic routine of a young couple in São Paulo – both journalists. Located in the district of Panamby, the duplex apartment, with 210 m2, double-height ceilings and a mezzanine, had most of its internal areas remodelled before it was furnished so as to meet the particular needs of the owners. Request number one: the mezzanine area was to be enlarged to contain a multimedia room with enough space for a DJ’s pickup. A sculptural spiral staircase, light and minimalistic in spirit was the solution found by the architect to link the two floors. There was also a concern to integrate the living areas. So the dining room and guest toilet were connected both to the kitchen and access to the master and guest suites. White is the prevailing colour both on the walls and in the cabinetry. Colours are used only in accents in the furniture and other décor items, as is the case of the giant shades that add an orange glow to the dining room, where white reigns otherwise. Throughout the apartment, however, pieces that belong to the couple’s private universe are displayed, which makes staying in the spaces even more personal and intimate. "The project was conceived basically around well-defined volumes and softened contrasts, particularly between the white and natural wood. With no major ruptures", states Fernanda. Among the highlights the architect mentions the art that takes up the whole of one of the living room walls – including part of the ceiling – which emphasizes the space’s verticality and invites one to contemplate. That in addition to the large lit bookcase, which spans both levels at the opposite end.
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