Cammino di Gloria is a devotional machine with great symbolical meaning and emotional impact. The reflection within the whole project represents the value of Rose’s life as a living woman then and Saint nowadays; a masterpiece series which the body, still intact, makes it increase. The appearance which we have highlighted of such value is the witness of the glory of God to which are dedicated numerous doxologies (formulas, hymns which glorify and exalt God):
“All Your works praise You, LORD; Your faithful people extol You. They tell of the glory of Your Kingdom and speak of Your might” (Psalm 145 10, 11).
It is about an important concept for Christian’s life because it represents the end of his walk of Faith; even for the most fragile and humble among all, as Rosa were. “Walk of Glory” machine assumes the symbolical value of supporting the life of Saint Rose of Viterbo and her spiritual ascension to Divinity; it is a condition from which she watch over her beloved city without ever abandon it, neither in Spirit nor Flesh. A walk towards heights which from the start of the first foundations of Christian religion learnt in family (little brick and pillar of Church) leads up to her glory in heavens, passing by exceptional events such as the found of her intact body – from the ancient “proof” of holiness of a deceased (even Dostoevskij quotes it in “Brothers Karamazov”) – it is a symbol of the imminent and certain resurrection, therefore symbol of redemption, incorruption, virginity.
As for the Colonna Traiana or for Marco Aurelio’s one in Rome, through a statuesque project also encountered in “Walk of Glory”, the stories of Saint Rose are represented on the exterior “skin” till the assumption of the didactic value of a film screen which recalls and excites the faithful.
The hint for machine’s shape and content was offered us by many historical examples which are to be found in Italy, among previous machines (for instance, A. Giusti’machine from 1794) or the “candlemas” of S. Agatha in Catania. We intended to recover the sinuous and scenic shapes, symbols of an ascension which is also within the walk of Faith. We recalled the magnificent and powerful shape of these great Baroque objects in a contemporary avant-garde way. The result is a worldwide unique object of which shape was possible thanks to the local handicraft of Viterbo and to the most modern technology.
The base of departure of “Walk of Glory” shape was suggested by San Lorenzo Cathedral’s flooring, in Viterbo, known for its beautiful mosaic decorations carpet also called “cosmatesche”. Such geometrical decorations realized with simple colored stones, are composed of sinuous lines which develop themselves around circles. This decoration has also as a meaning which is Christian’s pilgrimage before his ascension to the Realm of Heavens. Such symbolism becomes highlighted in “Walk of Glory” which develops the same concept in three dimensions – by taking a loan the story of Viterbo’s Saint – thanks to the most actual technology.