Located near the Beira Lake in Colombo this renovation project focused on revamping an existing flat with broken doors and blackened walls into a one bed room apartment.
The completed apartment features a singular space for sleeping, cooking and dining whilst making use of levels to differentiate each activity within the space. The rear space has been converted into a courtyard which brings in natural light and ventilation to the Interior spaces unlike the previous dwelling which had shut itself out from its surroundings.
A contemporary Sri Lankan Architectural style has been introduced through the materials and finishes of the flat which allows for rustic surfaces to bloom alongside modern glass and aluminium.
The design's simple language has been achieved with sophisticated planning of building services and spatial articulation.
Material Used:
Cement Pressed Tile
White washed Timber For Raised Bed Area
Walls- Brick And Plaster
Timber Partition/Display Rack To Conceal Service Lines