Regarding to the site, the proposal includes an open three-volume compactbuilding, with 5 storeys instead of the 3 initially planned by the council, which alsoindicated an urban design in form of perimeter block. This disposition permits morespace for gardens and community uses, as well as better general conditions for thebuildings. As the proposal was beneficial for the city, the disposition is accepted andgathered in the new urban planning (PGOU).
The three buildings constitute three phases; the construction of the first one hasalready ended.Searching a certain building compactness is more sustainable because of having amore efficient use of the energy, the infrastructures and the facilities.
Regarding to the environment, the floor plan shows three L-shape buildings. To theSouth, where the town offers an urban image, the buildings overlap almostappearing as perimeter blocks. But to the North, where the town is disappearing,the blocks are opened to this less consolidated environment, presenting only theend side of the buildings as heads that look at the scenery. All the dwellings benefitfrom better orientations, insolation and views. The form of the plot is best optimized,as well as the nearby scenery. There are no dwellings only facing the interior of aperimeter block. Nor there are dwellings having one only façade, so every dwellingcan have cross-ventilation. There is not many different types of dwellings, and thatcontributes to a more systematized, industrialized construction, thereforesustainable. Regarding to the orientation, most of the dwellings are facing south, oreast-west, being minimal the north orientations. A continuous eave gathers allopenings of each dwelling, which is designed specifically according to the solarorientation. These eaves are conformed with prefabricated concrete pieces, thoughsystematization and savings are obtained in lintels formation. On east and westfacades, these eaves conform a frame together with vertical pieces that help toprotect the openings from insolation.
The parking garage occupies only one basement level and its floor area is biggerthan that of the housing, what creates an elevated landscaped deck opened to thescenery. The change of level and the parapet are enough protection towards theexterior, thus there is no need of perimeter wall around this area allowing the visionof the exterior. The excavation is minimized, and the garage have natural ventilationand lighting. There is no need of mechanical ventilation with the consequent savingin materials and energy.
The solar thermal collectors are integrated in the buildings image. Instead of hidingthem, the panels are shown above the roof parapets.The yield loss, due to the panels alignment to the buildings geometry, is lower than5%. The fact of making the panels visible helps to take conscience of the need forenergy saving and efficient and renewable production.
The solar thermal collectors are part of a central hot water installation, with one gaswater-heater also centralized.